Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/450

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824 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. JL^am* HON. DAVID HAM, of Wyvenlioe, Victoria Street, Ball.irat, couuty Grant, Victoria, member of the Legislative Council of Victoria, for Wellington, b. at Launcells, co. Cornwall, England, 4th November, 1830 ; m. 19th September, 1856, in the colony of Victoria, Mary Joxks, of Portaclown, Ireland, and has issue, I. David John, of Yallock Station, New South Wales, h. 9th July, 1859. II. William Thomas, of Brisbane, h. 2ith September, 1863. HI. Nathaniel Burnett, 6. 13tli June, 1865, a student, Guy's Hospital, London. IV. Albert Frederick, solicitor, b. "ibth September, 1k67. V. Hedley Harefoot, b. 9th October, 1870, Surgeon Dentist, L.D.S., Torquay. VI. Walter Somervillc, b. I3th October, 1872. I. Elizabeth Jane, vi. J. J. Kingsbury, M.A., M.L.A., Queensland, and has four children. Mr. Ham settled in Australia in 1849, and was farming at the Indented Heads in 1851, but left there for Ballarat in September of the same year, with Messrs. Thomas Crosby Riddle and Joseph Faucett and party, of Geelong, where he remained until November, when he left for the Mount Alexander diggings, and in the following March returned to Ballarat, and worked on the flat below Golden Point, until his party were swamped out by the great flood of 1852. Mr. Ham, who tried his fortune upon most of the goldfields, amassed a considerable fortune. In 1861, he commenced business at Smythesdale as a land-agent, auctioneer, stock and share broker, and after a successful business, took up his residence at Ballarat, where he has since been engaged as a stock and share broker. During his residence at Ballarat, Mr. Ham was appointed to the commission of the peace in 1876. Since 1872 he has been a member of the Benevolent Asylum Committee, and was elected President of the Mineowners' Association. ILimm. This family was originally seated al Liiun- Nathaniel Haeefoot Ham, of Butsbeer, cells, CO. Cornn-all, England. | I-aimcolls, eo. Cornwall, .surveyor, d. 19th John Ham, of that plaee, yeoman, m. I October, 1S51, aged 7t> years, buried in Laun- Graee, daughter of Gilbert A'Beckett, and cells churchyard. He had issue by Susan, had issue, seven sons, amongst whom were, i his wife (who il. lOtli October, 1851, aged 68 I. William, eldest son, d. 1847. II. Nathaniel HAHEroOT, of whom hereafter. The youngest son, Residence — Wyvcnhoe, Victoria Street, Ballarat years, and was buried in Launcells church- yard), a son, David (Hon.), of whom wc treat.