Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/491

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rXDKX. 865 BrovvnUsp, J. Y., cf Kuro.T, Victoria, Australia, .'SI". ISroivnloss, V. J. H. M. C. of Yanlio, N.S.W., S-IS. BucHAN, Maj. J. I., of Finliavcn, Kcw, Melbourne, 840. Riiclmnan, Hon. .., of Duncdin. N.Z., (29.^). Bucholz, K. L., of Auckland, X.Z.. llT.'i). liuckland, T., of Ddvoir Houso, .Sydney, N.S.W., (258). Bnist. A., of Pituncarty, Maoqiiaric Itiver, Ta..;manin, (IV-l). Bullcr, Sir V. L., K.C.M.G.,of Wellinslon, N.Z., (6-10), (T83). BDLI.IVANT, W. II.. of Fcmside, Victoria, Australia, 612. BrNDEY, lion. W. If., Q C., of Zeidiyr.'^ide, Soutli Aus- tralia, C-t, (.ii:il. Bundock, A. K.. of Gordon Brook, N,.S.W., (10). BuikIocU, >V. C, of Wyangcrie, Uichniond River, N..S.V., (831). Burnett, J. C, of Ilobart, Tasmania, (786). Burnliaiu, r,., of rele'boroupli. Ontario, 843. Burnham, H. G., of .John .St., Toronto, 843. Bdbkham, .Tolin, of Peterborough, Ontario, 837. Burnham, Hon. Z., of Ontario, Canada, 843. Burnveat, Bev. .1., of St. Jolin, Colchester, NovaScotia, (23.'>). Burt, Sir A. P., of Strawberry Hill. Perth. W. A., 601. Burt, Fred. A., of St. Kitts, West Imlie.s, 602. Burt, 0., of Weiitern Australi.a, 602. Bout, Hon. S., of Str,awberry Hill, Perth, W.A., 601. (Corrtgmita, p. xviii.) Bt'Sii, Hon R. E., of Clifton Downs, Gascoyne, W.A., .WO. Butler, 11., of Hobart Town, Tasmania. (10). Byaro, Hon. Sir W., of Cedar Hill, Antigua, (811). Cadell, W. r., of Decpwater, New England, N.S.VV., (261). Calvert, J. J., of "Woodlands, Sydney, N.S.W., 53. (Corrtffndfi.^ p. xviii.) Cameron, Hon. D., of Fordon, Lymington, .and Lowestoft, Hohart, Tasmania, 221. (Con-ij^OK/a, p. xii. ) Cameron, Slaj.-Gen. D. R., R.A.,C.M.G., of Canada, (85). Canipl>ell, Hon. A., of Canada, (849). Campbell. A., of Fort Edward, New York, (668). Campbell, Hon. C. of Beleonon, N.S.W. , .40. CAWPitELt., Frederick, of Yarralumla, N.S.W., 48. {Cnrrir/>n'la, p. xviii.) Campbell, Hon. J., of New South Wales, 49. Campbell, .7. L.. of Kilbryde, Auckland, N.Z., 219. Camprell, Sir N. M. A., Bart., of Wellington, N.Z., 84.5. Campbell, Hon. R., of Campbells Wharf, Sydney, 49. Cami.bell. Hon. 11., of Otekaite, Oaniaru. N.Z., (373). CocKBURN-CAMPitELL, HoD. .^ir T.. Bait,, of Ross-shire, Scotland, and King George's Land, W. Australia, 108. {Arins^ p. 240; corrif/cnda, p. xii and p. xviii.) Campbell. Hon. W., of Victoria, (60). Camplield, Mr., of Albany, (3). Capreol, F. C, of Ottawa, Canada, (669). C.aigill, .1., of Dunedin, N.Z., (704). Carlton, A. S. G., of, N.Z., 79. (Arm.t, p. 176.) . Carmicliacl, G. I., of Penshurst, Victoria, Australia, 31b. Carmichael, W., of Harton Hills, co. Normandy, Vic- toria, 316. Carmyle, C. S., of Toorak, Australia, (675). Caron, Hon. Sir J. P. H. A., K.O.M.G., of Ottawa, Canada, 346. Carruthers, A. G., of Rockdale, N.S.W., 518. Carrutbers, J., of .Sydney, N,S,'., 518, Cairuthers, Rev. .T. K., of Arniid.Hlc, N.S.W , .'ilS. Carruthers, Hon. J. H. M., of Dolls Point, Kogarah, i N.-S.V., 517. i Cartwrighr, .1. S., of Kingston, Canada, (7.50). i Cartwright, Rev. B. 1)., of Kingston, Ontaiio, Canada, ( 180. CARTWBir.iiT, Hon. Sir R. J,, K.C.Jf.G., of the Maples, CO. Fi-ontenae, Kingston, Canada, 180. Carvell, .T., of New Jersey. 608. Carvell, Hon. .J. S., of Charlottetown, P.E.I., 60". Casey, Hon. J. .1., C.M.G., of St. Kilda, Melbourne, Australia. 73. Cassells, A., of Toronto, Canada, 467. Cassells, I>. S.. of Hamilton. Toronto, 4C6. Cassells, H.. of Toronto. Canada, 467. Cassells. J. T., of llo Ho, Philippine Islands, 40". Cassells, L. G., of Oshawa, Canada, 466. Cassells, U., of Ottawa, Canada, 465. (A<-miy p. 008.) Cas.sells, B S., of Toronto, late of Quebec. 4 6ij. | VOL. II. Cass, lis. It. S., of Toronto, Canada, 467. Cassells, W. U., of Toronto, and Hamilton, Canada, 466. Cassells, W. G. P., of Toronto, Canada, 467. I»K Castella, C. H., of Krit)ourg. Switzerland, 770. T>e Castella, F. H., of Tongain, Victoria, Australia, 770. Do Cnstello, P. F., of Yering, Victoria, Australia, 771. Cathcart, G., of I.aunreston, Tasmania, (-143). Cayley, V. 0.. of Toronto, Canada, 7.53. Cayley, II. St. Q., of Calgarj', Alberta, Canada, 753. Cayley, J., of Toronto, Canada, 7.53. Cavlev, llev. .1. D., of Toronto, Canada, 750. Cayley, Sir R., of Ceylon, 752. Cayley, Hon. W., of Canada, 753. Chadwick, His Hon. A. C, of Guelph, co. Wellington Canada. 590. Cbadwick, E. M., of Toronto, Canada, 686. Chadwick, P. .1., of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 539. Chailwick, .1. C, of Guelph, Ontario, C.-mada, 589. Chadwick, W. C. V., of Canada, 586. Chambers, Hon. .Sir C. H., of Bombay, 766. CllAMRERS, C R.. of Middlemount, Richmond, Cape Colony, 765. Chalmei^s, T., of U'oolmers, Longford. Tasmania, (189). Chaplin, T.. of lirillah. Sydney, N.S.W., il67(. CUAPMAN, R., of Dunedin, Otago, N.Z.. 658. Chapman, Hon. T. I)., of Ilobart. Tasmania, (593). Cheny, J., of South Australiii, (7.36). Chipman. Z., of St. Stephen's. New Brunswick, (35). Chisholm, A., of Glengarry, Canada, ■197. Cliisholm, A., of Alexandria, Canada, 497. Chisholm, A., of I^iehiel, Glengarry, Canada, 498. Chi.-liolm, A., of Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada, 498. CuisnoLM, A. U-, of Oak Lake, Manitoba, Canada, 497, Chi.sholm, I)., of Canada, 497. Chisholm, .J., of Alexandria, Canada, 408. Chisholm, It., of Alexandria, C.anad.a, 498. Chisholm, R. A., of .St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, 497. Chomley, H,, of Warrnanihool, Victoria, Australia, (14,5). Christian, E., of Cape Town, 826. Christian, H. B., of Ronald.sway, and Cragga Kama, Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony, 826. Clark, A., of Hobart, Tasmania, 515. Clark, A. J., of Rosebank, Ilobart, Tasmania, 514. Clark, J., of Tek M.-illay, .Southern India, (184). Clark, .J. P., of Svdney. N.S.W., (231). Clarke, Col. A., of W. Australia, (490). (Corrigenda, p. xii.) Clarke, J., of Mandeville Hall, Melbourne, Australia, Clarke, L., of Essepden, Victoria, Australia, f20), 21. Clarke. R. S., of co. Northumberland, New Brunswick, (273). Clarke, Hon. Sir W. J., of Rupertswood, co. Bourke, Victoria, Australia, 18. (.4i-»ij, p. 240. Coiri- f/mdn. p. AViii,) Clarke, W. .1. T., of Victoria, Austrtilla, 20. Clayton, W. II., of N'ew Zealand, (518), Clements, E. of Eliz.ibcthtown, co. Leeds, Ontario, Canada, (193). Gierke, A., of Mountford, Longford, Tasmania, (190). CLinnoRN, T. S., of Holmsby, N.S.W., 72. (Ariiif, p. 64.) Clindcning, F. T. l>., of Adelaide, S.A., (854). Close, E. C, of Morpeth, N S.W., 78. Close, R. C., of Streyneham, N.S.W., 78. Cluskcy, N., of Lalla Rookh Farm, Eiiroa, Victoria, Australia. (547). Cobham, 1. Il., of Woodonga, Victoria, (I). CocKUCRN, Sir A. T.. Bart., of Albany, W.A., 108. Coekburn, C. E., of liidcford, N.Z., 110. Cockudrn, Hon. .1. A., of Adelaide, Australia, 46. {Corri'jditthi, p. xii). Cocliburn, T. II., of New South Wales, 109. CorKBCRN-CASIPRRI.L. .^i f CAMPBELL. Coekram, Hen. .1., of Halitax, Nova Scotia, ( 151). Coftin, .Sir I., Bart., of Magdalen Islands, B.N. A., 699.1 Coffin, 1. T., of Magdalen Islands, B.N. A., 0D3. CotTiii, J. Maj, -Gen., of New Brunswick, 699. Coflin, .7., of Nantucket, 697. Coffin, J., of Quebec, Canada, 699. Coflin, N., of Uoston, 69.9. Collin, T. A., of Lower Canada, 699. Collin, W., of Boston. 699. C.illin, W., of Upper Canada, 699. CiilHii, W . of New Brunswick, 699. Ciig well, 0., of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, (99). Cohen, A., of Svdney. N.S.W., .5.59. Cohen, Hon. II. E., of Hopes, Sydney, N.S.W., 559. CoLnilAM-FCSSELL, i^HC FfSSKLL. Cole, A. W., of Cape Colony, (729). 3 K