Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/505

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59. Pall Mall, London, S. IV. Burke's Peerage, Baronetage, Knight- AUIO. >ti'. fur llie )irc>riil vi':ir. This rocriiL'i' lunl l!iiri>iifl;iL'i' is the only one cxtiiiit which combines, in one vohinie, the full genenlogical or pus!, as well iis tlic present, account of all the Peers and Baronets of the realm. The BartmetaL^e, incorporated with t)io Peerage, is e<inipleto in every detail as to the Lineage and present condition of each Baronet and his fani-iy. The Knightage has hccn nuich enlarged bv the intro- duction of tlic family eonncetious of the Kniglits of the several Orders of the Knights Bachelors and of the Members of Her Majesty's Most Honour- able Privy Council. J'reccdi/nce. — This important sulijcct lias been fully dealt with, and the Lists may be relied on as authoritative. The Peers, Baronets, and Knigh(.s, and the Companions of the several Orders of Knighthood are placed according to their relative rank ; and t.hcro is given a Scale of Grencral or Soc'al Precedence, antl a List of the Maids of Honour to the t^ueen, ^'ith their relative l*recedence. Tables of Prece- dence of Diplomatic Agents ; Kflative Rank of the Officers of the Navy and Army ; and Precedence in the Colonies, the Dominion of Canada, and the Indian Empire are also supplied. There will also be found ofllcial Lists of The Oudeu of the I.vdian EMriiin, The Royal Okdek ok VicTOBiA AND Albert, The Imperial Order of the Crown of India, The Victoria Cross, The Albert Medal, and The Royal Red Cross. The lieraldic department includes not only the engravings of the arms of both Peers and Baronets, bid. also the written !)lazon or descriptions. To this work is added a Key, or coni]ircliensive Alpliabctical List, by means of which every titled personage, and many others, can be easily traced. Nearly 2,0(X) pages, sujjer royal 8vo., cloth gilt. Price £1 ISs. (Published annually.)

  • ' Has (or more tlian half-a-ccntury been rppardoO as cont."iininR a Iiistovy of all the greut titled

families in the Empire. There is scarcely a pape in llie volume liiat is not fall of interest. . . . . There i.s an excellent index to the worlt Cuui^iJerable space is devoted to the question of precedence." — Times. Burke's, Sir Bernard, Colonial G-entry, A GeneMlc^ci'"!'! iiii*l Heraldic History of the leading familirs in the Colonies. yQ[, ||, is now ready; Edited b^* Asnwoiirn P. Hckke; imperial 8o., with many cojiper-plate engravings of arniorial be;irin*;s, doth, gilt. Price £1 10s. Copies of Vol. I. may still be obtained. Vol. III. shortly. "Cannot fail to be of considerable value, and to increase in size and interest in succeeding editions." — Mornimj Post.

    • In every respect the volume appears to have been compiled with the Author'n well-known

scrupulons ac<-uracy."— i>ai7y Tdt'jroi'h. "The ' Colonial Gentry ' is but an appendix to the traditional volume of Rn^ke. . . Sir Bemaid iJurke's carefully compiled volume may he regarded M*: lii,'ht of a historical mouuDient."— MVaf'A'/// RcvU/.c. Burke's, Sir Bernard, Dormant, Abeyant, FOKFEITED, AXl) EXTINCT PEKKAtJKS of (lie liiilifli Kniiiire. New Edition, buouoht down to 188:i. Comprisiuf; every Peerage created sinee the Conquest, that is now Plxtiuet, ])urinaiit, under .Vttain- der, or in Abeyance, and tracinj^; down the various dignities to their existing representatives. Illustrated by Steel Engravings of the Priiieip;il Anns. Eoyal 8vo., cloth gilt. Price £'2. 28. "By the publieation of this splendid volume, UlBter King t.f Arms complet^'S the etructure of information whieh he haa been so lonj; eni::i;;<d in rejiriliK, and ill wIiiiHe construction he has displayed not only the accuracy ind research of the herald, but the generalization, the appre- ciation ol the historian." — .lio/*/u"a^ Post. n 2