Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/352

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riNDn- T t V » rron iTCn wrath, v. sub Dm ; '"IOPI Jb 29 s , v. ™?n, IfR ftoD, nan v . sub o»n. tWOPI v. sub Don. TTTO)1 v. sub nDn supr. ODn (/of foil.; cf. As. hamdtu, hasten, Pra 2 " 01874 - 88 *, hamfu, swift, Zim BP84n -; Aram, tjpn, B^on is sink or fall to the ground, kneel). TtODn n.[m.] a kind of lizard, only in list of unclean creeping animals Lv 1 I 30 ""T^™ .•noeonni conni nKB?™ n'ani (Aram. ^ -^ -*-- is chameleon). tntODn city in Judah Jos 15 54 , © Ei/xa, ®L An/iara ; site unknown. wP , t3n v. i>t31Dn supr. t7pn vb. spare (Ar. J.->, is 6ear, be- come responsible; Aram. "^ v<» comportavit, congessit) ;—Qal Pf. 'n 1 S 1 5 15 + 3 1. ; S>on 2 S 12 6 La2 17 ; l?|>cn La2 21 3 43 ; $fe Mai 3 17 ; Impf. tern Jbi6 13 + 6t.; ^»rr Jb6 ,0 +3t.; temj 1 s 1 5' +3 1.; 3 fs. ^tonnS Ex 2 6 ; 2 ms. tenn Dti3 9 1 S15 3 ; Uteris Ez8 ,8 9 10 ; btem Jei3 ,4 + 4t.; ^>bnKlEz36 21 ; femisg 19 ; .^Dliri Je 50" 51 3 ; ^bnn EZ9 5 ; /«/. c«<r. n^onEz 16 6 (Ges 5461 /); — spare, have compassion, c. 7$? Ex 2 6 (E), iSi5 3 - 915 23 21 2S2i 7 2Ch 3 6 1617 Jei5 6 Ez 1 6 s 36 21 Jb 20 13 Zc 1 1 6 - 6 Mai 3 17 - 17 Jo 2 18 ; Dt 13 9 (|| Din sq. by), Je 2 1 7 (|| Din sq. by + DTVi), Ez 9 10 (|| Din sq. by ace. to <S Z Co); sq. ~b$ Je5i 3 Is9 18 ; note poet. YT?$ 't}ft~b$ = spare no arrow Je 50 14 ; sq. Inf. 2 S 1 2 4 ; abs. 2 S 1 2 6 Is 30 14 La 2 1721 , also v 2 where appar. sq. ace, 3 43 Jb 6 10 16 13 27" Pr 6 M Hb i 17 ; || Din Ez 5" f (del. Co as doubl. of v 9 ), f 8 18 9"; Jer 13 14 (|| DWN and DmN). T^lttn {spared) ; — grandson of Judah Gn 4 6 12 =i Ch 2 6 , Nu 26 1 ; © Upowjk, [l]a/iovi)X. T' , 7l^n adj. gent, of foreg.; only c. art. 'nn ; as subst. coll. Nu 26 21 .

[_n /^n] n.f. compassion, mercy, of  

(strictly Inf. form from tan, v. Ges' 441 ") — cstr. ibv. *» n^ana Gn 19 16 (J), Inform inanKa O^N? Is 63 s . n^on v. ^»n inf.


t [7QnQ] n.[m.] thing pitied, object of compassion, only cstr. •'pnw Da^y "lOITO Da^BJ Ez 24 21 0^H( of your eyes' desire, and of your soul's compassion. r[UUn] vb. be or become warm (NH id., Pi., make warm, Aram. aL. Dpn be warm; Ar. +L become hot, of water ; also heat, kindle fire in) — Qal Pf. Dn ^ 3 9 < Ex 1 6 21 ; Drr; consec. iKi 2 Ec4 n ; ^01844"; f mp f, Dhj Is 44"; Dn>l 2 K 4 M Is 44 16 ; also Dm 1 R i 1 ; DO* Dt 19 6 ; Dm Ec 4 11 ; 3 fs. arm Ez 24 11 ; ttn; Ho f; lonjlGnso 39 ; njen'lv 38 (last seven forms could be also from On* q.v.; but no decisive evidence that this V is used in Qal ; they are placed under DDn by ThesEw'^'Ol' 24 "; v. also Ko 1. mm™ w ho on account of Dm Pi. Inf. Gn 30 41 3 1 10 , der. last two, needlessly, fr. D!T) ; Inf. Don? Is 47 14 , cf. Jb 30 4 (where, however, '? is fr. Dnj Mich Di unless (Luzz Clie) we read DSD? Pi. Inf. in both); Dh 1 S n 9 Hg i 6 Ne f; sf. ton Jb 6 17 ; DBn J e 51 39 ; — 1. lit., be or growwarm Ex 16 21 (P; subj. BW), c f. 1 S 11 9 Ne 7 s and Jb 6 17 (sf. of impers. subj.) ; from fire Is 44 15 - 1616 47" (cf. supr.); natural heat iKi 1J (by personal contact), so 2 K 4 31 Ec 4" 11 , fr. cloth- ing Hg i 6 ; of Jerusalem under fig. of pot or caldron Ez 24". 2. fig., subj. a? ^ 39 4 (HW-iyan Wqa), cf. Dtl 9 6 ; of conspirators Ho 7"; Chaldeans Je5i 39 . 3. of heat in conception (animals) Gn30 38 - 39 (cf. Dn* 1 ). Niph. Pt. B^Q D'ona Is 5 f (Ko ,m ), inflame oneself with, of idolatry. Pi. Impf. 3 fs. DBW) Jb

14 keep eggs warm (of ostrich). Hithp. 

Impf. DE>nm warm oneself Jb 31 s0 D"'B>aa WD by means of fleece of sheep. tDh n.m. Je 17 8 heat;— Dh abs. Gn S N + 3 t. + 1 S 2 1 7 (v. infr.) ; cstr. Gn 1 8 1 + 3 1. ; of heat of (mid-)day DIM Dh Gn 18 1 (J), 1 S 11" 2 S4 5 ; in promise of regular seasons Gn S 22 (opp. ~p); cf. Is 18 44 CVJfjJ 'n) ; but as danger- ous to plant-life Je 1 7"; it melts snow Jb 24 19 ; Dh Drib 1 S21 7 bread of heat = hot bread, rd. perhaps Dn '? ( a s Jos 9' 2 ). fin. DPI adj. hot; — 'n Dn^ J0S9 12 hot bread (JE), i.e. freshly baked; D'tart Dnn Jb 37 17 of garments heated by south wind. — 1. Dn v. supr. p. 325. 11. dpi v. sub non. trTOn n.f. heat, sun (poet.)— nianj S 24 23 4- 4t.; inisn yf, 19"; — 1. heat of sun 1^ 19". 2.