Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/558

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prob. in || Is 37 s4 for MT 'P B*», cf. Di Du Kit Che H «*- rorfcp irMTT? tn^n n.f. lodge, hut;— nB'poa 'D Is i 9 (i.e. a watchman's hut); sim. of frail, insecure structure ilMTOS flTriJTirn Is 24 20 and it [the earth] shall shake (or totter) like a hut. fll. [p/] vb. murmur, onlyExiS, 16,17, Nu 14, 16, 17, and Jos 9 18 (Sam. always defect., hence No z " Qm, "• 188s ■ 635,1 • thinks poss. p? [cf. J31 ?]; from limited occurrence, he supposes it disappeared early ; hut found chiefly in P) ; — Niph. Impf. 3 mpl. ttft*! Ex 1 5 24 + 3 1. + Ex 1 6 3 Qr (Kt Xiki) + Nu 1 4 s6 Kt (Qr «*?»? , Hiph.) ; 2 mpl. vfot Ex 1 6 7 Nu 1 6", both Kt (Qr *>*fe) ; on forms v. Ges 572W8 Ko'- 509 ; — murmur against, sq. PJ? Exi 5 24 (JE), i6 2 - 7 Nui 4 2 16 11 1 7 6 Jos 9" (all P ; all of people Isr.); abs.V'59 16 (v. I. $ 1 »)• Hiph. Pf. 2 mpl. Drt^q Nu 1 4 29 ; Impf- $1 EX17 3 ; tfhl Exi6 2 Kt, Nui 4 36 Qr; 2 mpl. U^n Ex 16 7 Qr, Nu 16 11 Qr (on all vid. supr.); Pt. pi. D , ?' , ?0 Ex i6 8 +3 t.; — murmur = Niph., sq. by Ex 17 3 (E), elsewhere P: 16 8 Nu 1 4 27 - 27 - 29 1 7 20 ; cause to murmur sq. ace. + P5? Nu 14 36 Qr; (cf. also supra Ifiph.) I [n37ri] n.f. murmuring; — pl.cstr.nWJjl (n^n) T Ex i6 12 +2 t.; sf. Da-nliS-jj i6 7 + 3 t.; DrijflPR Nu 1 7 2S ; — murmurings of Isr. against (only P); Ex 16 912 Nu 17 25 ; sq. P$! Ex i6« cf. v 8 , NUI4 27 i^( + bv DJ^P). f I. [^7, or WOf] vb. swallow, swal- low down (Syr. , *^, ■'fcX lap or lick up Ju 7 5 - 7 ) ;— Qal Pf. 3 pi. $?) consec. Ob 16 (Ges ,67B12 ); — abs., fig. of nations drinking (cup of judgment). — Hi De talk wildly, vid. II. JTIP; We Now W3 reel, totter (cf. Is 24 20 29'). t [y7] n.[m.] prob. throat (external) (cf. NH tb jaw, cheek, Aram. V$>, Jlc^. id.);— 1^)3 p?fe> PlDn Pr 23 s and thou shalt put a knife to thy throat (fig. for restraining oneself from indulgence in food). fll. [Jfi/, or^JH] vb. talk wildly (MT Vlb, V% perh.better, &$ Vrrfc), cf. Thes and Ar.liu, 'j&makemistakes in talking, Ba ZMO I U.Wr7.606.»H) ; _Q al pf 3 mpl ,5,1, J b 63j subj. Dnan (v.Di); Impf. &p )h D™ eft» Pr 20 25 it is a snare to a man that he should rashly cry, Holy! (construction unusual, and perh. text, err., cf. Frankenberg ; on form v.

}*3.Anm.. B5 1.296 K6 i.S75t der fr yjfr . g^ 

Hiph. fr. yyp). If-h v. ffy. IVfY? vb. knead (NH id.; Aram, tib, +ZL, Eth. tev>: or ft«A;);— Qal Impf. 3 fs. tfbh iS28 24 2Si3 8 Qr(KtBh-);/»ni;.fs.' , ^ < Gni8 6 ; Inf.cstr.whs Ho 7 4 ; -P<. fpl. nie6 Je 7 18 ;— /t/wad (obj. not expr.=nVD np|?) Gn 18 6 (J), cf. 1 S z8 24 ; obj. pS3 dough Ho 7 4 Je7 18 cf. 2 S 13 8 . Xljfo (Kt), t5>£v. B*P. t /, rtt/5, W? v. )?n etc., p. 229 supra. JTlTy v. TIP supra. rfp v. sub nnp. (in/ (/of foil., poss. fr. smoothness, cf. Ar. (^J peel off; Syr. Lli»> «<np off, erase^. fi.T& n.m. c ' iw jaw, cheek (NH ti.; Aram. Snip ; Ar. J^j ; on As. laM cf. Dl 1 "™ 375 , but -.=$*);—• / pabs.Jui5 17 Mi4 14 ;cstr.Jui5 16 + 2 t.; »rg 1 K 22 24 +3 t. + Ju 15 1919 ; sf. *TO Jb 4 o 26 ; iw£ La i 2 ; du. &$ Dt 18 3 ; crt*.*$ L330 28 ; sf. ; :nb IS50 6 , cf. Jb 16 10 , etc.; DTVnj) Ho 1 1 4 ;— 1. jaw, jawbone, of animal, Ju 1 5 1516 - 1617 (under jaw of ass), cf. 'TO DO"} v 17 ; in sim. Dn'nirpu Pj> 'Dntpa Ho 1 i* like those lifting up a yoke from upon (rd. Py? X) their jaws (Isr. under fig. of oxen); of sacrificial ox or sheep Dt 18 3 ; of crocodile Jb 40 26 ; of Pharaoh under fig. of M Ez 29 4 (cf. v 3 ); cf. 38 4 Is 30 28 . 2. cheek, of man iK22 24 = 2 Ch 18 23 , Jbi6'° ^ 3 8 Ct 5 13 Is 50 6 La 3 30 Mi 4 14 ; of woman Ct 1 10 La i 2 (fig. of Jerusalem). fn. *TV7 scene of an exploit of Samson ;— '? Ju 1 5 1919 (© Smyav), "•$ v 14 ; c. art. Tib v 9 (© Atuft, ©L Ac X «), cf. TT^ DOT v 17 = height of Lehi (expl. as fr. 'Hp jawbone, cf. GFM, © ' kvaiptais o-iaywoc) ; also 2 S 23", where read njrij <o ie At, for njn 1 ), v id. 11. n;n , p. 3 1 2 supr. ; (© tiqpla; ©L o-tayoVa). It must have lain in the Shephelah, near the border of the hill-country of Judah (Buhl G90P '• 9, ),• site un- known; conjectures are cited and criticized byGFM ,ul0 - 19 q.v.