Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/582

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your heart). Hiph. Impf. i s. D^p$ *3 " Dt5>2 ^ 118 10 " 12 ira i"Ae name of'*, yea I will make tJiem to be circumcised (enemies, by force of arms ; but De cut to pieces (from 710= Ppo), Che mow, Bae annihilate (?), @ Aq ^/xnra^j; 1 '. Symm SuSpv^m, Jer ultus sum eas). Hitlip. Impf. 3 mpl. vl'P'T if, 58 s be cut off, of arrows, i.e. made blunt. T [n7^] n.f. f only pi. circumcision : ;nn ibah D'OT Ex 4 W (J) a bridegroom of blood be- cause of (or in regard of) the circumcision; cf. ■^r e Frol.ed.4(1896)S45t.i Hijt. 340 mfyio, ni^i^, -rhta v. i?v pmo Kt, v. ?OD. IDIO v. 33D. Gift v. ErtNO. po v. pe. Dio, rnWtt, [icrto] v. to. T 7 T T ' L T J iDio v. -d [tfwn] v. "po. hpio], rnpin v. nDN. "■DID v. ID'. T Tirto, [lyio], rnyio v. tj rTHJrtO v. nnvo. «T^ra v. ii. *]iy. [nsyin] v. py npyiQ v. piy. TDIQ v. TTD. PJ^DIQ Kt, v. n»S' , D sub JJS note v. nsx. Y")f2 (v/of following, meaning unknown). t [yiC] , yfa n.m. I,a, - B chaff (Talm. $ XJfiO, Ar. yaji straw) ; — 'o abs. Ho 1 3' + 6 t. ; cstr. Is 1 7 13 ; — chaff, always as driven by wind, and alw.c. |, in sim.; of wicked Jb 21 18 (IP?.?? 151? nri), c f. ^ i 4 35 5 Ho 13 s ; of hostile nations Is 17" (Dnri '13), 2 9 * (|| f5 P?K) • hyperb. of Judah's power, tffcw pis? niya? Is 41 16 (|| ts^ri phm Dnn) ; f passing time, dV Zp 2 2 . , 11. NSiD, [nNain] v. MP. 1. psno, [n^sno] v. pr. . p!TlD v. p1¥. t [p^D, p^P] vb. mook, deride (Aram. Pa. P»P, uali, and Aph. p^)-—I m pf 3 mpl. (prob. Hiph.) V'p: V 73 8 (|| 5H3 Wpl).


-ipia, rnpio v. ipv cpia v. E>p tpVJ] vb. change (NH id., Hiph.; Ar. .L» (med. l) is move io and /ro (intransitive); 'VI (med. *) procure food, Aram, uc ftwy or import food, No 2 " " 1 - 1881164 );— KTiph,. />/. n»J (as if fr. "no) be changed, Je 48 11 subj. in ,_ l (of wine, fig. of Moab) ; Hiph. Pf. "Von Je 2 11 ; on TD-nn ii., v .Ko L "; Impf. W f i5 4 + 3 t.; juss. np; Ez 48"; sf. *yp) Lv 27 3333 ; 1'pK Ho 4 7 ; rwpjl ^ 1 06 20 ; /to/.' csir. I'pn f 46 s ; abs.^pn Lv 27 1033 ; — 1. change, alter, Mi 2 4 (obj.

  • 98 P^D; but ® ^na Tp t so Sta zAwi886.i2ir.).

ijr 15 4 (no obj. expr.) ; Hiph. declar. 46* (pis subj., Hup Che Bae al, Ges' U52 - B2 ) when the earth sliews cliange; Krochm Gr prop. 3iBH (cf. 31D v' b 1| DIO), but needless. 2. exchange (sq. ace. of obj. relinquished, +3 before obj. ac- quired) Lv 2 7 ,010101 ° (2 t. as Inf. abs.); Ho 4' ^io6 2 °; cf. c. one obj. Lv ay*** (once as Inf. abs.); Je 2" 11 (cf. supr.); without obj. Ez 48" (but Ew Co "1DV, Hoph.). Hoph. Impf. "W Ez 48 14 Ew Co, cf. Berthol. TrPICn n.f. exchange, recompense; — 'n R u I 7 ; sf. Stthor Lv 27'°+ 3 t.; FirniOip Jb 28 17 ; — exchange= thing acquired by exchange Lv 27 1033 Jb 28 17 ; irnion Vn jb 20™ wealth acquired by exchange (fig.; rd. poss. iv'n as his wealth (so) his exchange, Bu) ; recompense (for worldliness) Jb 15 31 ; abstr. exchanging Ru 4' (|[rfow). ' ■via, -b v. -no. NT.O, 1. rrvta v. MTJ. T T tryiO n-m. 1841 ' 15 threshing-sledge (NH id.; i id., S.Ar. rjji, ^ r , Fra 133 , cf. Ba za 11. 117 (loan-word in Ar. = ploughshare) ; mod. _£I Dozy 11623 , and ££ Wetzst zfflrK » 1 " >< "- 1>7 * 27l)ff -, Anderlind ZPVI »- 4 "- {ploughshare and Aar- rou/)); — abs. '» Is 41 15 ; pi. DTJP 2 S 24 21 (+ "'i? 3 '? ?3); Dflte 1 Ch 2 1 23 ;— threshing- sledges of Araunah, given by him to David for wood of sacrifice 2 S 24 s2 = 1 Ch 21 23; fig. of Israel as instr. of 'י's judgment IS41 15. On form of threshing-sledge (mod.; slightly turned up in front, and set with sharp stones or pieces of iron), and threshing- rollers, v. Benz* rchao9C JJ QW Arch. 1. 232C TJj.Amoa.227f.