Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/600

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~]bw 576 for D3k> Je 49" (@ M*XxoX, M«X X ofi), cf. Gie, and Zp i 5 (<g ?3, cf. Now), prob. 2 S 1 2 S0 = 1 Ch 2o'(v. tyy® 5d), and perh. Am i 15 (whence Je 49 s ; cf. Dr Now;— not We GASm). TTJT'Tp^ a Simeonite (cf.Palm. 13^ Vog 1 "* 110 - 36 *);— 1 Ch4 M . © I (f xoXo X . t"?p7p © Maa, MaXou^, etc. 1. Levites: a. 1 Ch 6 W . b. Ne 1 2 2 (priest ?). 2. various men: a. Ezrio 29 . b. Ezrio 32 . c. Ne 10 5 . d. Ne io 28 . "hai^Q Kt, yyhto Qr a priest Ne I2 U . © MaXou^, ©L MuXou/c. til- ["^T / Q] vb. counsel, advise (loan-wd. from Aram. ■ s ^^ , 'HpD ; cf. As. maldku, Dl HWB412 );— only Niph. (so NH) Impf. $QH W *3? i. e. I considered carefully, Ne 5'. [rvp^n] v. tA. pb'O v. f^P sub p$>. fl. [ 7/Q] vb. Pi. speak, utter, say (NH Pi. id.; Aram."^£i (and many deriv.), ?.?P; perh. cf. Ar. JJI iv. dictate (a letter, etc.), (^L.) 3U IV. td. No 2 " 011 - 1886 - 725 );— Pi. Pf. Vgq Gn 21 7 ; cf. 1 s. VrtVp (Ew S274b - N ) as infr.; ^Jb33»; /mp/^V'iofi 2 ; ~^»njb8 2 ;— say, sq. dir. quot.4- ?of ind. obj. Gn 21'; utter, obj. njn Jb 33 3 ; cf. *8 2 ; obj. * ri"W| ^ 106 s . Tp ^Tp n.f. word, speech, utterance (poet., esp. Jb; common in Aram.); — 'd ^139* Jb 30 9 ; sf. VJjQ Jbi3 17 +3t.; folk) 2 S23 2 ; pi. D'k> Jb6 26 + 9 t. (all Jb); P& Jb 4 2 +i2t. (all Jb); pi. sf. j$ Jb i 9 23 +4t,; }$D Jb 4* Pr 2 3 9 ; Dn p i|> 1 9 s ; — word JiBO? tn (on) my tongue fr 139'; word (of '»), ^iKOv? ore my tongue 2 S23 2 ; '0^3*? > Pr23 9 ; fig. f I9'(||D}5; but rd. D?ip v. Che crit. n.); elsewhere only Jb (34 t.); sg. speech, utterance Jb 13 17 21 2 24 s5 29"; also word = by-word, n?D? DH7 <nX} Jb 30 9 ; pi. words, Jb 4 4 6 26 8 10 12" 15 3 <&"*?$, x6*

s23 32 1 " 4 33' 8 C° ^P), 34"" ('» ^P), 36"; 

words of God Jb 23 s ; words = speech, speaking, bv <K> pba IJfJfl Jb 4 2 , cf. 2 9 9 ; utter words, pk) T?» riKShl i 5 »; 'O PHJn 2 6 4 ; lay mares for words P.i>J?b »»(? |W%n Jb 18 2 , cf. Jb32 15 D^k) DHD ip^n ; D'k V)]£p Jb 32" 7 am full "1270 / word*, cf. Wtpta pkre»-DK 3 3 32 ; pk^Tete Jb 35 4 ; ">??- rfe? "JT^?? 35 m, C f. 3 8 2 . t "TVl 7ft as a son of Heman (7 have uttered = ^0 Ew i274bN - v. ?to);— 1 Ch 25* (on this appar. list of names v. Ew 1 ' " ES 0TJC

; 2nd ed. 143 „2I 

^Y?'fi a priest's son, Ne 12 36 . til. [777D] **■ rub ' scrape (NH id., rub ears of wheat, scrape) ; — only Qal Pt. Wo in vn'jasso rnb'&na Wto 1373 v*p p r 6 13 lie that winketh with his eyes, that scrapeth with his feet (making signs), etc., so De Now Str < Ew "Wild fr. I. i>?D that speaketh with his feet. T [nT 1 ^p] n.f. ear of wheat, etc. (perh. as rubbed or scraped, cf. NH HiTk • , .?^T); — only pi. abs. niWtp Dt 2 3 26 (cf. Di). till. [7773] vb. languish, wither, fade (apparently secondary ■•/of pox q.v.); — Qal Impf. 3 ms. k* Jb 18 16 ; 5wj Jbi4 2 ; 3 mpl. vJK Jb 2 4 24 ^ 3 7 2 (so Hup De and most ; > Niph. fr. IV. 770 Thes); — hang down, vn'her, fig. of man Jb 14 2 (H 3 ) ; of wicked vjftf nrUTIO i-vsp 7®) by£tt Wftj; 18 16 ; 6w nVaV Btens 24 s4 (|| fWBj&iattn); ^m T npT i sn3 1 /,37 2 (|| jte^). Pol. Impf ?.?it3) i/' 90 6 1'< withereth (of grass ; tlV. [77Q] vb. circumcise (= ko);_ to this are sts. assigned : Qal Imv. ?b Jos 5 2 . Niph. 7y. Dnktf Gn 1 7 11 . Hithpo. be cut off: Impf. ^fclV ^ 5 8 8 . Vid. ^O. [nn^p, -raVo] v. noi>. r[1^70] vb. prob. be smooth, slippery (Ar. J42 slip)-,— Wiph. p/. "?n^ vfarre J3T9^ t" - 1 J 9 103 ^ 0M ' smooth (agreeable, pleasant) are <Ay words to my palate ( || 'Sp t^a^D). Tl2pO n.m. a Bab. title; dubious; perhaps guardian'? (Schr C0TDnl ' u D1 B " ^D ' ,,I conj. loan- word fr. As. mas(s)aru, keeper, guardian, cf. 1)1 UWB4 ' 23 ; hardly connected with (mod.) Pers. mulsaru 'kellermeister' (cf. Meinh.), v. against this Bevan);— only cart. 'BH Dn i" 16 .