Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/178

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every imaginable species of deformity. A child with two heads, the unhappy offspring of a peasant's wife in Friesland, who survived this monstrous delivery many years, claims particular attention. I have seen a conception of a similar kind, in the anatomical preparations of Mr. Ingham of Newcastle in Northumberland, a gentleman of great erudition and science, whose professional character and extensive medical knowledge are above any eulogium of mine. The mention of this person recals to my mind his son, whose premature death, about a twelve-month ago, excited universal regret. He was a youth of most promising talents, and uncommon goodness of heart. To a powerful and ready genius, he united unwearied application in the pursuit of knowledge; qualities for which minds of singular vigour are rarely distinguished: and perhaps his early loss to society, which he was so admirably fitted to adorn and improve, may in a great measure be attributed to that indefatigable diligence which, enlarging the mind,