Page:A Tour Through the Batavian Republic.djvu/286

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Attachment of Amsterdam to the cause of liberty. — The patriots discharged from their employments in 1787. — Emigrations from Holland. — The majority of the Dutch nation averse to the war with France. — Measures to suppress popular meetings. — An inundation of the country proposed. — The citizens of Amsterdam remonstrate against that design. — Imprisonment of the patriots. — The stadtholderian party struck with consternation at the progress of the French. — Entrance of General Pichegru into Amsterdam. — Proclamations from the revolutionary committee of Amsterdam, and from the representatives of the French people. — The regents of Amsterdam displaced. — Provisional representatives of Holland. — P. Paulus chosen president. — Declaration of the rights of man.

Amsterdam, November, 1800.

FROM the earliest periods of the republic to the present times, the city of Amsterdam