Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu/260

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The repulsion between the spheres is therefore, by Arts. 92, 93,

where is the distance between the centres of the spheres.

Of these two expressions for the repulsion, the first, which expresses it in terms of the potentials of the spheres and the variations of the coefficients of capacity and induction, is the most convenient for calculation.

We have therefore to differentiate the 's with respect to . These quantities are expressed as functions of , and , and must be differentiated on the supposition that and are constant. From the equations

we find

whence we find

Sir William Thomson has calculated the force between two spheres of equal radius separated by any distance less than the diameter of one of them. For greater distances it is not necessary to use more than two or three of the successive images.

The series for the differential coefficients of the 's with respect to are easily obtained by direct differentiation