Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/60

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Duration of action, about 6 days.

Antidotes,—Comphor, Ignatia.

Will in most cases be found useful in ailments brought about from injuries, falls etc., worse in the morning, and better in the evening and at night; patient restless and conplains of bed being too hard, and constantly shifting their position.


Duration of action, from 30 to 40 days in chronic affections.

Antidotes,—Camphor, China, Ferrum.

Arsenic ailments are always accompanied by great anxiety, restlessness and fear of death; violent thirst, but drinking causes vomiting; sudden sinking of strength; pains are characterized by a burning sensation; worse after mid-night; after sleep; better from warmth.


Duration of action, from one day upward, and in some cases months.

Antidotes,—Strong black Coffee, Opium.

Acts on the brain and nervous system.

Congestion to the bead with flushed face and throbbing headache; violent