Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 1, Introduction) (IA completecoursein01cono).pdf/11

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are worn. One may have a subdued tone, black or any gay color that fancy dictates in the sweater.

Golf clothes seem to be in a state of evolution. At some of the smart links, women are wearing tweed suits with knickers. It must be remembered that this is the extreme, not the generally accepted custom. And it’s a fact that a woman in knickerbockers is very conspicuous.

A costume that is very smart at the present time for golf consists of a tailored blouse, a sleeveless wool jersey dress and a box-coat to match. The regulation wool jersey, tweed or homespun suit which has an amply wide skirt and a belted box coat is also worn with tailored waists. Although blouses with V necks and flat collars are worn, the preferred waist is in shirt style with high soft collar. It is usually made of pongee, crepe de chine or linen and worn with a man’s knitted silk tie.

In warm weather, separate woolen or silk skirts are worn with tailored waists of batiste or wash silk. To complete the costume, invariably there is a sweater.

The collapsible small felt, ribbon or straw hats are the accepted hats for golf. Shoes or oxfords of durable calfskin are to be preferred to fancy sports shoes.

There are special golf gloves with holes over the knuckles to give greater freedom to the hands.

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