Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 1, Introduction) (IA completecoursein01cono).pdf/113

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the neck in the back to the cord at the waistline.

Length from Waistline to Floor.—It’s a poor plan to attempt to measure the length of the skirt that a woman is wearing. Measure from the waistline to the floor—it will give you a better guide to work with. Then if you want the skirt, six, eight or ten inches from the floor you can subtract it from the total amount. Have the person being measured stand squarely with her heels together and measure from the cord at the waistline to the floor at the center front, center back and sides.


Of course you have your sewing machine. It’s hard to find a woman who hasn’t these days. Well, all you need to start right in sewing is a needle and thimble, a pair of shears and a tape measure.

As a matter of fact, it’s a good plan not to buy a whole lot of equipment until you have sewed a while and found out just how much you really need and just how much you can do without.

However, perhaps later on you will make a profession of Dressmaking and here is a little list for an ideally equipped sewing room that you can use for reference at any time:

  • Chest of drawers
  • Closet or wardrobe

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