Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 1, Introduction) (IA completecoursein01cono).pdf/38

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Fig. (16) Coat dresses are becoming to the stout woman.
Probably, you have learned by experience that the skirt of medium proportions looks far better than a narrow or extremely flaring one, regardless of the ultra style of the particular season.

There is your hat, too! It’s another part of your costume that comes under the rule of medium. A large hat will make you look shorter and an extremely small hat will emphasize the width of your figure.

I am going to tell you the materials not to wear—stiff goods, wiry goods, goods that clingy bulky goods or conspicuously patterned or brightly colored fabrics.

After all, they are not much of a temptation when you think how attractive the crepe silks are and that most desirable woolens such as velour, serge, broadcloth and tricotine are soft, to say nothing of cottons such as crepe, voile and gingham tissue.

Even in cottons, it is safest to choose a plain color in preference to a patterned goods. Sometime try a plain blue or brown voile and see what slim lines it gives you.

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