Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 1, Introduction) (IA completecoursein01cono).pdf/43

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If you are short and stout, look up the color suggestions on page 64.

Or maybe you are short and just medium.—I am going to ask you to read what I told the short, slim woman about her coiffure, her hat and the heels of her shoes.

You ought to watch out for long lines in clothes and avoid cut-off cross lines.

Drapery is not for you either.

And use frills sparingly on your blouse.

There is the question of trimming, too. An elaborate beaded or embroidered all-over design is just as bad as a figured goods.

Make simplicity the keynote of your wardrobe. Fancy clothes will take away from your height and your individuality, too. Plain good style clothes have a dignity and smartness which is your special privilege.

Starting in with dresses, straight hanging dresses will give you good lines, especially if the trimming runs up and down. You can wear over-blouse styles, too, and coat dresses.

Suit coats ought to be finger-tip length or longer. You can't afford to chance a line that cuts you right in two. Coats with irregular lower edges are apt to be more becoming than straight-around coats. Coats that are slightly fitted or on the box order, give longer lines than those that are close-fitting and have a ripple peplum.

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