Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 1, Introduction) (IA completecoursein01cono).pdf/5

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Of course you want to be stylish. Every sensible woman does. But do you know how to acquire the well-dressed look? Is it something you are able to accomplish one time and not another? Or perhaps, you can select smart clothes for yourself and can’t help Cousin Louise overcome a dowdy appearance. Or do you admire Mrs. Jones’ new blue dress just because it has that quality "chic" and accept as inevitable your own unbecoming brown dress?

Has it occurred to you that you and Cousin Louise and in fact every other woman can be stylishly dressed? People may be born beautiful, but certainly they are not born stylish. It’s a clothes sense that they acquire. They learn to wear clothes that are suitable. And there is the whole secret summed up in one word.

If I were asked to give a synonym for the word stylish, I think I’d say suitable. You

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