Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 1, Introduction) (IA completecoursein01cono).pdf/68

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Fig. (25) If you are stout, cross the vivid, the light shades and white off your shopping list.
so near your face. Black or dark blue is a better choice for you.

If You Are Stout.—How much thought have you given to color. Just the mere lines of a dress won't make you look slimmer if the color is wrong.

It's the inconspicuous colors that will make you look smaller. Black absorbs all light and is by far the most slenderizing shade you can choose, if black can be called a shade.

White, which does just the opposite, reflects all light, will make you appear larger.

Neutral shades, such as gray and taupe are excellent for they blend in with the surroundings and are most inconspicuous.

Dark shades of brown or blue are permissible. Avoid any bright or light shade, as it will call attention to your size.

Take an inventory of your wardrobe and see how many light dresses you have. Per-

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