Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/24

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Since a brassiere fits tightly, you can take out an inch of the fullness at the lower edge at the front edge. To do this mark point C one inch from the front line AB and draw a new line CD. Line CDG will be the center-front edge of the brassiere.

You can also take out an inch at the underarm seam and draw a new line as FE Fig. 28, and ED, Fig. 29.

Decide on how many seams you want in the brassiere and mark them roughly on the diagrams.

Measure from point C to F on Fig. 28 and from E to B, Fig. 29. Then take the waist measure of the person tightly. Subtract half the waist measure from the size of half the pattern at the lower edge and it will give you the amount that you must take out in darts to make it tight fitting. For instance, if half the pattern measures fifteen inches and half the person’s waist measure is twelve inches there will be three inches to take out in darts.

Mark points at the lower edge of the pattern either side of each seam to take out the extra goods. From L to M, from R to S, Fig. 28, and from P to R, from M to N and from K to J, Fig. 29, ought to equal the amount you want to take out in darts. In the case men-

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