Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/27

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The diagram often comes in handy for reference, so do not cut these apart for a pattern. Trace off your pattern. Put a piece of paper under the diagram and trace the front piece, tracing crosswise at the bust line. Remove the under piece of paper and mark the seams allowance beyond the edges and a hem at the center front. Cut out the pattern and notch it at the bust line. Trace and cut out the other pieces in the same way.

Fig. (31) The brassiere pattern laid on the goods folded double lengthwise

Cutting a Brassiere: Use a material of firm texture but not bulky. Linen, allover embroidered cotton and twilled muslin are practical goods.

Fig. 31 shows the pieces of a brassiere such as the one illustrated in Fig. 27 laid on the material folded double. Note that the centerback section is laid on the fold of the goods. The other sections are placed so that the front edges come as nearly as possible on the straight thread of the goods.

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