Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/48

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Fig. (61) French seam the shoulders of the chemiseMaking the Chemise: Close the shoulder seams first. (See Fig. 61.) French seams give the best finish.

Just as soon as the shoulder seams are closed run a thread around the neck, a seam's width in from the edge, draw the thread up a trifle and secure the end with several over-and-overFig. (62) In thin materials, a French seam gives the neatest finish at the underarm stitches. As the neck edges are bias at the sides, the neck of any garment is almost sure to stretch unless the stay thread is run around it.

Make French seams at the underarm. (See Fig. 62.) Before finishing the lower edge, stitch an oblong facing to the lower portion of the chemise at the center-front. (See Fig. 63.) This is the place where the tab buttons when the garment is finished. Finish the neck, armholes and lower edge with lace edging. Put it on as described in the first part of the lesson.

Turn a hem at the end of the tab.

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