Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/50

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Fig. (67) There is nothing nicer for crepe de chine than a set-in design Making a Pattern for a Step-in Chemise: With a plain chemise pattern to work on, you can change the design as much as you like. If it's a step-in style that you want to copy, as shown in Fig. 67, it means cutting off the top and reshaping the lower edge.

Lay your foundation chemise pattern on another piece of paper and trace around it. (See Fig. 68.) Draw lines at right angles to the center front and center back that touch the bottom of the armholes. This gives you the new upper lines.

If you want to shape the chemise a little at the back, draw a line at right angle to the center-back line at the normal waistline. Measure in on this line three-quarters of an inch and mark point F. Curve a

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