Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/53

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Fig. (70) Facing the slash Fig. (71) A cardboard guide will help to keep the edge turned evenly

extend one-half inch beyond the mark at all points. Indicate the place of the slash on this facing piece and stitch around the mark as shown in Fig. 70. Cut the slash and turn the facing piece through the slash onto the wrong side. Press the facing and stitch around the opening again, or catch the facing to the outside by hand.

After this is done, turn a one-half inch hem at the top. A piece of cardboard notched makes an excellent guide for turning the hem. (See Fig. 71.)

Press the hem in place and stitch around the top of the chemise, running the stitching about three-eighths of an inch from the top. If you want a little nicer finish, fell the hem in place.

Insert a narrow ribbon in the eye of a bodkin

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