Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/55

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the new upper lines.

Fig. (72) The chemise with circular flounces is also a step-in Decide how deep you want the flounces at the side seams and mark points C. From points C curve lines to the lower front and back edges, lines AC.

Between the legs the ruffles need be only about half as deep as at the underarm seam. Make the line AE about half the depth of CD. Slant it to form the crotch. Draw the lower edge of the ruffle from E to D.

Put another piece of paper under the diagrams and trace off the ruffle patterns. If these ruffle patterns were used the ruffle would be very narrow at the bottom. You will need to spread it and put in fullness.

Draw lines across the ruffle patterns as

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