Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/65

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line LM on the diagram. Curve the back edge of the drawers to point O, as indicated by the solid line on the diagram.

Mark point K three and one-half inches below I and point P the same distance below N and swing the lower edge line through these points touching point F.
Fig (85) The drawers pattern laid on the goods ready for cutting

If you want the drawers to lap at the center-front and center-back add extensions at the waistline beyond point G in front running into the line GJ. In the back allow the extension beyond point L running into the line LO.

Cutting Circular Drawers: The layout for the drawers is shown in Fig. 85. Note that the material is folded double crosswise. Mark around each pattern piece and cut with heavy shears as described in Lesson II.

Making the Circular Drawers: Before closing the seams, sew the lace edging to the bottom of each leg section. Next close the inside leg seams. (See Fig. 86.) French seams will give the best finish.

Join the front and back facing pieces, mak-

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