Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/79

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the line about two and one-half inches and draw lines GF and HE. Measure out on the line AB about one and one-half inches beyond line CD and mark point I. Swing the curve for the sleeve cap from H to G touching point I. In tracing the pattern trace from C to H, from H to C, from I to G and from G to D. The other lines are foundation lines.

Complete the skirt part of the gown as described in making the bungalow apron in Lesson II. Draw in the neck outline in any desired shape.

Fig. (105) The nightgown pattern laid on the goods

Cutting the Nightgown:The layout, Fig. 105, shows the pattern placed on the material folded double lengthwise. Mark around the pattern pieces carefully and cut as described in Lesson II.

Making the Nightgown: Run a stay thread around neck to prevent stretching as described in chemise.

Finish neck and sleeves of the nightgown with lace edging. French seam the underarms (see Fig. 106) and turn hem at bottom as in Fig. 107.

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