Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 3, Underwear) (IA completecoursein03cono).pdf/82

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use any six or seven gored skirt as a foundation block pattern.
Fig (109) Using a block pattern to make a nightgown yoke

If you want to copy a flounced petticoat as shown in Fig. 110, place your foundation pattern with the gores even through the lower part and trace around them. Remove the pattern and use the traced outline as a diagram. (See Fig. 111.)

You will want fullness in the top of your pattern, so mark across the darts. When you trace the new pattern pieces, leave the darts in. Mark a seam at the side from the center of the dart at the top to the bottom of the skirt along the old side seam. This is the only seam you will need in the new pattern. Measure up an even distance all the way around for the top of the flounce. (See dotted line in diagram.)

Put another piece of paper under the diagram and trace the upper front of the petticoat tracing along the center front, the top and the side seam from the center of the dart. Allow

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