Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 4, Blouses) (IA completecoursein04cono).pdf/83

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underarm seam, as line F. Mark a slash at the side of the blouse from point F to E, Fig. 93. Along this line the lower edge of the blouse will gather to the top of the belt section.

A blouse of this description is best finished to slip on over the head. If the neck opening is not large enough the shoulder seams can be left open for a little ways and finished with a binding. If these little vents are finished with snaps, they will not be noticeable in the finished garment. Usually the neck edge of a costume blouse is bound. Finish the lower edge of the sleeve with a narrow binding.

In silks, the best finish at the shoulder, armhole and under the arm is French seams. Leave the underarm seams open for a ways at the bottom so the blouse can be slipped on over the head easily. Bind these vents and finish them with snaps. Bind the lower edge of the blouse with self material.

Making a Pattern for a Sports Blouse: Figs. 94 and 95 show diagrams for making a sports blouse, such as is shown in Fig. 5 in the first part of this lesson.

Use your block pattern for marking the diagram, as described before. In this case,

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