Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 5, Skirts) (IA completecoursein05cono).pdf/11

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A Block Pattern for a Separate Skirt: Select some good fitting seven- or nine-gored skirt pattern, cut with normal waistline and without seams. Copy it in strong, firm paper and mark center-front and center-back, first gore, second gore, etc., on the pattern. If you place these pieces on another piece of paper matching the edges along the lower side portions, it will give you a diagram for working out other styles.

The block pattern offers the quickest method of copying other styles.

Making a Pattern for a Circular Skirt: Suppose it’s a circular skirt such as the one shown in Fig. 4 that you want to copy. Make your working diagram from your block pattern as described above. It will look like the diagram in Fig. 5.

This gives you a diagram for skirt with a normal waistline. If you want the top of the skirt to come above the normal waistline add to the top of each gore before making the diagram. To do this, measure around the body where you want the top of the skirt to come. Place the skirt pattern on another piece of paper and mark a line parallel to the top of the gore the distance from it that the new skirt is to be above the normal waistline.

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