Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 5, Skirts) (IA completecoursein05cono).pdf/21

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the hips, which is about six inches below the normal waistline, and spread them apart below, any desired amount.

To make a pattern, slip another piece of paper under the diagram and trace around the first gore, allowing seams at the top and back and a seam and hem at the bottom. Remove this piece and cut out the pattern. For the second side piece, put another piece of paper under the diagram and trace the outline of the gore, allowing seams at the sides and top and a hem and seam at the bottom. After this piece is cut out, trace the third gore in the same way. In tracing the back gore, do not allow a seam at the center-back for a six-gored skirt, as this edge will be laid on the fold of the goods in cutting. The center-front edge is also laid on the fold of the goods in cutting.

Fig. (15) Cutting a gored skirt

Cutting a Gored Skirt: Fig. 15 shows the pattern laid on the material folded double lengthwise. Vary the layout to suit the

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