Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 5, Skirts) (IA completecoursein05cono).pdf/23

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gores. Then, join the seams taking the regulation seam allowance and press the seams open.

It is much easier to bind the edges of the gores before the seams are joined than it is afterwards.

If a tailored finish is preferred, the seams may be double stitched. In this case, do not bind the edges of the gores before joining. Make plain seams, bind both raw edges in one binding, turn the raw edges toward the back of the skirt. Baste, press and stitch the second time, working from the right side of the skirt and running the stitching about one-quarter of an inch from the first stitching.

Fig. (17) Extension for a side placket

Nowadays, skirts are closed usually at the side-front. In the case of the gored skirt the best place for the placket is at the left side of the front panel. To make a placket at the edge of a panel, finish the edge of the panel at the placket with a facing, just as described in finishing right side of placket in circular skirt. The left side of the placket ought to be finished with an extension. Cut the extension twice the width of the facing plus seams at all edges. Fold it

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