Page:A complete course in dressmaking, (Vol. 5, Skirts) (IA completecoursein05cono).pdf/55

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gives you the outline for the pocket.

Fig. (60)  Diagram for V-shaped pocket pattern

In cutting the pattern, allow seams at the sides and a hem at the top.

Fig. (61)  Adding fullness to the top of the pocket

This gives you a pocket that will lie flat to the skirt. If you want it to stand away from the skirt a little, split the pattern in the center, as shown in Fig. 61. Draw a line on another piece of paper and place the two pieces either side of the line, keeping the lower edges together and spreading them an equal distance from the line at the top. Mark around the outside of the pieces. This gives you the new outline for the pocket. The upper edge will curve a little, but when it is sewn to the skirt, placing the outer points A and B so that they are just the same distance apart that they were on the

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