Page:A descriptive catalogue of the Warren Anatomical Museum.djvu/602

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the abdomen enlarged, with nausea, and she was thought to be pregnant ; the enlargement increasing so as to cause great dyspnoea. Sept. 25th Dr. S. saw her, and found her in bed, much emaciated, with an anxious countenance, and two distinct, firm, and movable tumors in the lower part of the abdomen, one upon each side of the median line. There was also ascites. As ballottement was very distinct, he regarded it as a case of pregnancy ; and, having decided upon premature delivery, a sound was passed, and the ute- rus found empty. The diagnosis was then uncertain ; but, upon the presumption of extra-uterine gestation, and with the full sanction of Dr. J. M. Warren, the tumors were re- moved on the 3d of October by abdominal incision. The operation was done with great ease, and scarcely an ounce of blood was lost. For thirty-six hours the patient did well; but peritonitis then came on, and she died on the third day. (Case published in full, with remarks, in the Med. Jour. Vol. LXI. p. 325.) 1860. Dr. D. H. Storer.

2725. An osteoid tumor, connected with, but apparently not of the ovary ; hard and compact for the most part, but not true bone, microscopically. One-half of the tumor is here shown ; and it seems to have been of a regular, ovoid form, and about 2 in. in length. In the ovary was a cyst that contained about i. of serum, and the other ovary was somewhat diseased. From an Irishwoman, about thirty- five years of age, who died in a drunken affray. 1867.

Dr. J. G. Park, of Worcester. II. FALLOPIAN TUBES.

2726. Spontaneous rupture.

From a woman, set. nineteen years, of loose habits, and who died with symptoms of internal hemorrhage after eight or nine hours' sickness. The peritoneal cavity con- tained about two quarts of blood. In the upper posterior part of the left tube, midway, is a laceration through its entire thickness, about J in. in length, and from which, in the recent state, there hung a coagulum. The tube is not enlarged, and neither was the uterus ; nothing like an ovum being anywhere found. A large spurious corpus luteum was found in the left ovary, and a smaller one in the right ;

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