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1831, April 30. John Lawson, printer of the Timet London newspaper, was reprimanded by the lord chancellor Brougham, at the bar of the house of lords, and discharged on the pay- ment of his fees, for a breach of privilege, for animadTerting on a speech of the earl of Limerick.

1831 . From a report drawn up, by order of the house of commons, it appears that from 1821, 106,045 volumes of journals have been printed for the house of commons, at an expense of £5000 per volume ; of these, only 52,024 hare been delivered to members and others, and there remain in store 63,021. It is a singular fact, that the manuscript journals preserved in the house of commons iorreference,as legal authority, are copies made by the clerks during the recess, from those already printed in the course of the preceding session. The printed journals now amount to 120 folio volumes, and each member is entitled to a perfect set after he has taken his Eeat for fourteen days, without petition against his return. The average profits of the king's printer are stated at £10 per day during &e sitting of parliament. The following items, taken from parliamentary returns, will show the annual expenditure for some years, for printing, stationary, &c. for the two houses of parliament :

iBOi, PriatioK, &c. for both booses ... ^19,000

i606,Repriotiiig]oiiTDalsoftbebouseof commons 10,000

FiintiDS and stationary for the two bonses - S9,30O Printing votes, bills, reports, and other papers

of the commons, for the present session 20,000 Printing, by order of the commissioners of

public records ..... 3,sofl

Frintins under Uie act for procorlnB returns

of the poor ...... 393

Printing, stationary, &c. tat the chief and

ondier'^ecretaTies' ofllces, &c. in Ireland 91,880 Priutin; and binding acts of i6 Geo. III. - 1,306 Proclamations (li advertisements inI>i>i/mGaz. 10,S00 Deficiency of grant fbr printing and station- ary for the houses of parliament for laos s,380 I8«7, Printinfr&binding250copiesof acts47Gea.III. l,n)o Froclamiations&advertisementBinDtiMinOaic. 10,600 Printing and stationary for the two booses • 39,soo Printing ft delivering rotes, printing bills, &c. 30,000

ReprinUng Journals, &c 10,000

To ettr^j the charge that may be incurred fbr

printing the S9 vols, of Joomals for 1807 10,000 To malce good deficiency of grant of last ses-

sion.forprinting&stationary for both houses 9,789

Ditto for printiogaoddeliTeringtbe votes, &c. 14,881

Ditto for printing the S8 vols, of journals . tig

1808, Printing Journals of the bouse of commons,

printiug and delivering votes, printing

votes, bills, &c. I806 .... i8,3gi

Printing 1 750 of the 58 vols, of journals, 1806 4,000

Piintiog&stationaryforbothhoases,forl806.7 30,633 Printing by order of the commissioners of

pabUc records ...... 3,596

Printing returns relative to the expense and

maintenance of the poor .... 393

Deficiency of printing, 8cc. for the two houses 9,789 Printing and delivering votes of tlie house of

commons, printing bills, reports, &c 1807 11,168

Deficiency of the grant for ditto of 1 806 - 14,881 Deficiency of the grant of 1806, for printing 1750 copies of the joomals of the house of

commons, I807 ..... 459

Printing articles of impeachment, minutes of evidence, and copies of the tiial of lord

viscount Melville, IS07 - - - • 3,046

Printing and stationary for the two booses . 31,700 Deficiency of grants, foi printini; the votes, &c. 1,641

Deficiency of grant for printing & stationary s,433

Printing votes, Sec. of the house of commons 33,400

Printing vol. 61 of the journals ... 4,000

Reprinting journals 10,000

Stationary for the court of exchequer - 3,154

Printing vols. 36 and 37 of lords' joomals - 3,057

I8I0, Prlotlnc ft itatlonary granted In the aappllesjei6,800

Ditto ditto deficiency for I809 - 13,636

Printing by order of commissionen of public

records • S,l63

To T. Brodie for index to Joornals of the house

of lords, for 1809 ..... 533 Printing vols. 38 and sg of the Joomals of the

house of peers ..... »,8l7

Printing the calendar of the joomals of ditto 1,564 18S0, Paid to Messrs. Hansard for printing alone,

for the three past years ..... 135,773 1830 — I , Paid to printers of parliamentary papers . 86,317 Paid to the king's printer in Scotland, for

stationary, printing, and binding - - 10,500 Paid to sir A. B. ICing,* the king's stationer

in Ireland,forstatlonery,printing&binding 33,363

1832, Printing various reports of the committee of

East India inquiry 10,000

1833, Paid to the printers of parliamentary papers 63,797

1831. The receipts of the London Gazette office, arising from advertisements, &c. amounted to £15,083 17i. %d; and the expense of the office amounted to £Tfify7 \2i. Id. leaving a surplus revenue of £7,276 7$. 7d.

1831. A select committee of the house of commons appointed " to inquire into the nature and extent of the king's printers' patents in England, Scotland, and Ireland, the authority under which they have acted and now act, and bow far they have been beneficial to the government or to the country, and whether proper to be continued." The evidence and appendix was ordered to be printed, and formed a volume of three hundred and sixty-four pages.

1831, May 26. Died, Charles Rivinoton, the senior member of the respectable firm of Messrs. Rivington's, booksellers, of St. Paul's church-yard, and Waterloo-place, London. He was one of the sons of Joon Rivington, who carried on considerable business as a bookseller, in St. Paul's churcb-yard, for more than half a century, where he died, Jan. 16, 1792. He was succeeded in business by his sons, Messrs. Francis and Charles Rivington. Mr. Francis Rivington died October 18, 1822, aged 77, leav- ing his son, Mr. John Rivington, a& his repre- sentative in the firm. The various members of the house of Rivington have now, we believe, for upwards of a century, continued booksellers

  • In 1834, a paper was drawn up by Mr. Church, comp.

tr oiler of the stationary office, and Udd before parliament, showing that for the three years immediately previous to 1 830, the average amount paid to sir A. B. King, for station, ary, printing, and binding, was ^23,363 ) and since that period it has not exceeded ^7,448, makug a saving to the public of <£'I4,775 a-year; that the amount paid to tha printers of parliamentary papers for the sessions 1830 and 1331, was .^^86,217 ; and forthe sessions 1832 and 1833, was

«53,797, making a saving of jt3a,597t or .* 16,298 a-year;

that the saving to the public by the reduction of the prices paid to the king's printer for acts of parliament, amounts to considerably more than j^6,000 a. year, Eind that in con- sequence of a negotiation entered into with the king's printer in Scotland, the expenses for stationary, &c. in that conntrj-.have been reduced from ^£10,500 to ;£4,500 a- year, making an annua] saving on the ^43,000 a.year.

B^ore a select committee of the house of commons, held on July 30, 1822, on stationary and printing, it was proved that in the office of one parliamentary printer, at the end of the session, there were left standing and un- worked, upwards of threehondred sheets of reports,order8, &c. A^o of one report, which had twenty thousand pounds weight of type locked fast at one time ; and on a calcnlation of the total amount of type required in that office, appropriated to parliamentary works, to the enor- mous extent of two miUIon twenty-five thousand pounds weight of type.