Page:A history of Chile.djvu/473

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APPENDIX PROVINCES, CAPITALS AND POPULATION The following table will give the area and capitals of the different provinces, the population according to the census of November 26th, 1885, and the estimated population for January ist, 1890. Also the population per square mile. PROVINCES AND TERRI- AREA POP. POP. a35 TORIES CAPITALS sq. miles Nov. 26 Jan. I, 1890 d^s 1885 ' (Es'mat'd) £^" Magellanes, Ter., Tierra del Fuego, Straits, and coast Punta Arenas 75,292 2,085 2,757 — . north to 47°S.Lat. Chiloe Ancud 3,995 73.420 77,502 19.0 Llanquihne Puerto Montt 7.823 62,809 70.503 8.7 Valdivia Valdivia 8,315 50,938 65,807 7-5 Arauco Lebu 4,248 73-658 76, 067 17.8 Cautin Temuco 3,126 33.291 35.637 II. Malleco Angol 2,856 59.492 62,308 20.9 Biobio Angeles 4.158 101,768 "8,537 28.0 Concepcion Concepcion 3.535 182,459 211,730 59.0 Nuble Chilian 3.556 149,871 155.858 43-7 Maule Cauquenes 2.930 124.145 126,683 43.0 Linares Linares 3.488 110,652 114,658 32.6 Talca Talca 3.678 133.472 139.105 37-2 Curico Curico 2,913 100,002 103,346 35-5 Colchagua San Fernando 3.795 155,687 159,216 41,7 O'Higgins Rancagua 2.524 87,641 91,581 35-8 Santiago Santiago 5.223 329.753 368,615 70.0 Valparaiso Valparaiso 1.637 203,320 215,940 15.0 Acancagua San Felipe 5.840 144,125 153.459 25.9 Coquimbo La Serena 12,905 176,344 186,895 143 Atacama Copiapo 43,180 76,566 66,636 15 Antofagasta Antofagasta 60,968 21,213 34.981 0.6 TarapacS Iquique 19,300 45,086 46.876 ^•4 Tacna Tacna Total 8,685 29,523 30.703 3-5 293.970 2,527,320 2,715,400 9.2 The province of Cautin was created by law March 12th, 1887, also the province of Malleco. Antofagasta and TarapacS were received from Peru and Bolivia by the terms of the treaty of peace, October 423