Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/122

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LANGUEDOC. 106 tT,.t PVPrv effort was made for his apprehension, so -o^'^^r,,T^Z7onteAt^.e Dominicans of Pamiers to be- t "?" t:^ZiZCXeLe known among the faithful, T^ ^' whom pferre d' Aere and Phihppe de Larnat enticed Gml- tvvo of whom, Pierre a a ^^^^^^ ^^^_ lem to the bridge at Alliat »>yj"g extorting a confession, cast ried him off ^l^^^^X::i^^r.:^oi lierre Autier were him over a precipice. ^ mny ^^^^^^ p.^^.^^ Ws brother «fXtercrer ^^^^^f ;ies occur everywhere Sanche, and Sanche Mercamer AMI Jacques Autier „„ one ooomoii had the '>»™" ' „, S,i„te-Croix in Tou- ployed in the same d-ect^^ JJe here ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ to phace, but the -<>"^f "^^^,^f g;^^^^^^ iiven to the expe- der all efforts vain, and fi'^^^y^™^! proclamation as an in- dient of issuing, August 10, 1309, a special p citement for his capture. Christ, the reward and «^^^V ^the enemies of "ins Cross, those corrupters arise with me, ^f^^'^^^'l^'^^t^^ll.r. t.,e heresiarch, and his of the truth and purity of Catholic taitii Mercadier. Hiding m eohereties and accomplices, ?'-- «-""^^ty the virtue of God. to be concealment and walking lu darkness, ^ J'^;;*;^ J^j eternal reward from tracked and seized wherever they may b fo-J- P™" ^.^ ,,,, produce God, and also a fitting tempora 'O-y^^l^^^^^Z^,,,,^ away the sheep of your "ms stirring exhortation ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^J^ , p.y was c^-^^ i^t^ly'tn hi:inily and friends, in ifosS, Tad aXer^e^Aut^^ ^-"^^^' o Q 10 1^ 32 68 76,81,159.-MoUmer,Llnq

  • Lib. Sententt. Inq. Tolos. pp. 2, 3, 12, 13, 32, b«, /o, ,

dans le midi de la France, pp. 145-56.