Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/137

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ACTIVITY OF INQUISITION. jgj he speaks of himself as acting in virtue of the apostolical author- ity and royal power, showing that Philippe le Hardi had dutifully commissioned him to summon the whole forces of the State to his assistance when requisite. November 23, 1277, he gives public notice that two canons of Liege, Suger de Verbanque and Berner de NiviUe, had fled on being suspected of heresy, and he cites them to appear for trial at St. Quentin in Vermandois on the 23d of the ensuing January. This trial was apparently postponed, for on January 2 , 1278, we find him summoning the people and ckrgy of Caen to attend his sermon on the 23d. Here he at least found an apostate Jewess who fled, and we have his proclamation calling upon every one to aid Copin, sergeant of the BaiUi of Caen wha had been despatched in her pursuit. Frere Duval was apparently malang an extended inquest, for July 5 he summons the people and clergy of Orleans to attend his sermon on the 7th 1 fort night later he is back in Normandy and has discovered' a nest of heretics near Evreux, for on July 21 we have his citation of thir teen persons from a little village hard by to appear before him These fragmentary and accidental remains show that his life was a busy one and that his labors were not unfruitful. A letter rf .he young Philippe le Bel, in February, 1285, to his ofliciak L Champagne and Brie, ordering them to lend all aid to thXauZ itor Frere Guillaume d'Auxerre, indicates that those pro2ces were about to undergo a searching examination * ^ n„/J'VT"'*'* °^ ^'■''"'^ complained that their work was im- peded by the umversal right of asylum which gave protectLnTo criminals who succeeded in entering a church, ^o offi e Tt£ aw dared to follow and make an arrest within the sacred wa^fs ' for a violation of this privilege entailed excommunication rem^' able only a ter exemplary punishment. Heretics were not s ow m availing themselves of the immunity thus mercifuUv affo M by the Church which they had wronged, and in the jealousy which existed between the secular clergy and the inquisitors there wat apparently no effort made to restrict the abuse Martin IT ^as accordingly appealed to, and in 1281 he issued a buU addressed to '^ '^^ prelates of ^IWe^declai^^ perve'sfon Tf tS XX^tZ ^'^^^"-"^^^^^«^^«^^^^^^^ de Carcass, (Boat,