Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/155

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DECLINE OF THE INQUISITION. jgg lav tt'tr *S '"^' ^"^•^°'^ ' «'• ^'^'^* ^-«l^ «Shop Shall de- forded by the Avilnone ^ popes to tV " -J'"' P'^*^"^" '- St; ed iS:Lr:;o:etr" "^^.^^^^^ ^^ *^^ -qulsltors wVo t profit. Ma^ nrers^rr^^^ --r degradation of the Inquisition that he IleiTV ^"""'l '^' -^tt^r^s;^^^ mce, who 2fZZ'tCy<::n' ^'^^ ^^^ P'- Join in the sentence ^n uTo . ^"'"" ^*' Vermandois, to who had beenturned at Lille brt.^i ' ""^""^^^ '^* ^-^t'- Bishop of Tournr and in U.^pI r ^'«^^f ^-^^l^i^itor and the flcials to execute .ilTA ^'^'^P ^*' ^«'^ «^^^red his of- Kaleyse;,Xhadlnl""7;r""'^ ^' ^^«^^^^ Heinrich by the D^llt p^Sr^^^^^^^^^^ °f C-'^rai and LOle the rights of his eoRelZti ^.•^^^^^-'^ manifest invasion of comphcations o the £s Tv" f "]"" '"'^ *° ^^*^ P<'1"'<^^1 everfshows that the exZle oJ" " "' ""'"^PP^ ^^ ^'^'^' J^"- was not lost on thefeud. W . '"fr^^'^" '^' V the Parlement to make arrests .tn "he eTs b" "^""'^ "^^ °"^^' '"^^-^d -^-. Of .oa-^ i^e:tsr^ ' Wadding, ann. 1409, No. 13; 1418, No 1 2 4