Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/158

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FRANCE. 142 either for the kingdom of France or for special districts, as thou^j something was to be gamea oy <x ^^ but there is little risk in assuming that the gamei 'Tevlral cases occurring about this period - in^^-tm^^^^^^ illustrations of the spread of the ^^^ ^ ^^^.^^^^Z. .ence, and of ^;^^^^;:%r^Z:^^^ 1^-vn as had sunk. In l^-A at Liiie, tneie d anchorite and Alphonse of Portugal, who led an ^^^^^ ^^^.^Td 'hat since istr^L^rp^Ltr^^^^^^ and an' applicant for the doctorate - the,^ogy^ ^^^^ he had been singularly free-spoken He demed the a the rule of celibacy; ^^^ rta^inlin^fote of Ldi^^^^ -jectedthe supreinac,M.f Eome .^^^^^^ to condemn r rSllt o far frorsTVrancis occupying the vacant Jean de Poilly , so tar irom ^^.^^^ .^ ^^^_ tamed lor munej. kj p _^„ thk revolutionary fhp Phurch on the consciences of men that tHis re^oiULlo y „, „e »1™»" ■, »^J^^^^^^ a„.to»t., and ™ ™tu«l "<1- 11^« T^o IS- 1461 No. 3.-Ripon III. 317,423, 487; IV.

  • Wadding, ann. 1458, iSo. 16 , l4:0i, i>u. o. i

■ 103, 217, 303, 304, 356, 373. Mnnicmal Library of Toulouse, ^ >IB. of ^^-^l^^Z^:^^':, To« Jse, in U83, to bears a marginal note that it ^Nas lent ^J ^ showing that there was an t.e Donjinicaus of ^^^::::^^XfZ^^ required instruc