Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/176

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160 ^«^^'^• liirht by the efficient means of torture. Though they Relieved in Sltttiation, they denied that it could he f^l^^^2iSZ priests Their harhes, or pastors, .vere ordamed, and adnumsterea absolution after confession, but the pope, the bishops, and the ^r ests h^lst that power. They denied the existence of purga- E the utility of prayers for the dead, the intercession of samt , re ;ower o tL Virghi, and the obhgation of keepmg any feast- tvs siv Sunday. V^aried with their stubbornness, the arch- Sop,Tn June and July, 14S6, summoned them either to leav^ the country or to come forward and — ^n. ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^X he excommumcated them. This was equally , auBealed again to Innocent VIIL, who resolved to end the heresy appeaiea agaii Ap„o^dino-lv in 1488, a crusade on a large with a decisive blow. Accoramgij , -l^ , Tcale was organized in both Dauphine and Savoy The papal ™Lioner Alberto de' Capitanei, obtained the assistance of the PaXrnt o?Grenoble, and a force was raised under the command Tf Hlues de La Palu Comte de Vanax, to attack them on every • le Th attack was'delayed by legal — *^^^,<^-;|;S tley were urged to submission, but refused, saymg that the r faith vas'pure ancf that they would die rather th- abandon ^t. A lenffth in March, 1489, the crusaders advanced. The vaUey oi Patel'a o was th^ first Lssailed, and, after a few ^ays, -s -Juc^ to the alternative of death or abjuration, when fifteen obstinate heretksTere burned. In Val Cluson and Freyssinieres the resist- ance ^as more stubborn and there was considerable carnage which rfriTte'ed the inhabitants of Argentiere that they submitted neacS V In Val Louise the people took refuge in the cavern of itue F aide which they imagined inaccessible, but La Palu suc- feeT^ir caching it, and built fires in the mouth, suffocating «J unhawv refugees This, and the confiscations which foUoxved, 1- iSVelwfen Charles VIIL and the Archb.hop of Em W gave a fatal blow to Waldensiamsm m the valleys To F^^^nt Its resuscitation the legate left behind him ^^^-^^'^ JJ^^^^^ Tnnuisitor of Provence, who continued to harass the people ^Mtn ■ Ens a^l pronouncU condemnations for — acy^^^^^^^^^ an occasional harhe and confiscating the property of relapsed hardened heretics.* Ao AQ f;o 70— H,p.rzoff Die romanischen Waldenser Chabrand, op. cit.pp. 43, 48-52, 70.-He.rzog, i^ie