Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/195

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ARAGON. 1^9 Inquisitor of Aragon, and Martin Trilles of Valencia. Possibly among these was an unfortunate woman, Leonor, wife of Doctor Jayme de Liminanna, of whom, about this time, we hear that she refused to perform the penance assigned to her by the Inquisition of Cartagena, and that she was consequently abandoned to the secular arm. The post of inquisitor continued to be sought for. To multiply it, Catalonia was separated from Aragon by Mcholas Y. shortly after his accession in 1447. In 1459 another division took place, the diocese of Barcelona being erected into an inde- pendent tribunal by Martiale Auribelli, Dominican General Mas- ter, for the benefit of Fray Juan Conde, counsellor and confessor of the infant Carlos, Prince of Yiane. The new incumbent, how- ever, had not a peaceful time. It was probably the Inquisitor of Catalonia, objecting to the fractioning of his district, who obtained from Pius II., in 1461, a brief annuUing the division, on the ground that one inquisitor had always sufficed. Fray Juan re- sisted and incurred excommunication, but the influence of his royal patron was sufficient to obtain from Pius, October 13, 1461, an- other bull restoring him to his position and absolving'him from the excommunication. In 1479 a squabble occurring at Valencia shows that the office possessed attractions worth contending for. The Provincial of Aragon had removed Fray Jayme Borell and appointed Juan Marquez in his stead. Borell carried the tale of his woes to Sixtus IV,, who commanded the General Master to replace him and retain him in peaceful possession.* Ferdinand the CathoHc succeeded to the throne of Aragon in 1479, as he had already done, in 1474, to that of Castile by right of his wife IsabeUa. Even before the organizing of the new In- quisition in Aragon, in 1483, it is probable that the influence of Ferdinand had done much to restore the power of the institution In 1482, on the eve of the change, we find the Inquisition of Ara- gon actmg with renewed vigor and boldness, under the Domini- can, Juan de Epila. A number of cases are recorded of this i^e- nod, including the prosecution of the father and mother of Fehpe de Clemente, Prothonotary of the kingdom. As a preparatory step to placmg the dominions of the crown of Aragon under Tor- J- ^nTr?!?' "'• ^- ^'- ^"' 11-^lb^^ti^i R^Pertor. Inquis. s. y. Befclen.. — Ripoll III. 397, 415, 572.