Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/212

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ITALY. 196 A u> the Lombard Waldenses admitted their descent from ^4^ f>.^ hprptics the favor shown them by likewise q--f ^;^;;tr^^^^^^^^ Arquato. For three years and a ^f ^'f ^, ^^^^^^.^e, and consolations of religion. So dewived of all the observances cm" , reconciliation with a threaot dm g ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^.^^ r;LraXl^:rK:^s dl^^^^^ w^ch required them to for this, ^^d retused ^ .^^.^^^^ ^^ j^.^ ^f, compensate their bishop ^."'^ ' ^,^ ^iations the Visitors de- some six months --^^d m frm less n g ^^^^,,^^^ of- .MC the bishop aesirel^^;:;;;^;;;^^^ -^^^ of Reinerii Summa (Martene Thesaur. V. 1775).