Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/230

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214 ITALY. inscription in all local statutes of tbe constitutions of the dead emperor and of the popes-bulls issued in such haste that, June 13 1252, the pope was obliged to explain that the blunders and omissions arising from the hurried work of the scribes are not to invalidate them. The whole was crowned, May 15, 12o2. by the issue of the buU Ad eMirpanda, of which I have given an abstract in a former chapter. This sought to render the civil power com- pletely subservient to the Inquisition, and prescribed the extirpa- tion of heresy as the chief duty of the State.* Innocent's mandate probably found Piero at the convent of San Giovanni in Canali at Piacenza, of which he was prior in 1250, and where his austerities so impressed his brethren that they be<rged his friend, Matteo da Correggio, pretor of the city, to in- duce him to moderate them, lest the flesh which he so persistently macerated should give way under the ardent spirit withm. If, m fact, we are to believe the statement that he habitua y never broke his fast before sunset, and that he passed most of the night in prayer, restricting his sleep to the least that w>^ compatible with life, his career becomes easily intelligible. Deficiency of nourishment, replaced by unceasing and unnatural nervous exalta- tion, must have rendered him virtually an irresponsible AVe have no details of what he accomplished as inquisitor at Cremona, or at Milan to which he was afterwards transferred. It is presumable, however, that his relentless activity fully responded to the expectations of those who had selected him as he fittest instrument to take advantage, in the headquarters of heresy of the unexpected opportunity to visit the now defenceless heretics with the wrath of God. Within nine months after he had been summoned to action he had already become such an object of ter- ror that in despair a plot was laid for his assassination. The matter was intrusted to Stefano Confaloniero. a noble of Abate and the hire of the assassins, twenty-five lir^'/^'^^^ *f "'^^Lt Guidotto Sachella. The week before Easter (March 23-30), 1252, Stefano proposed the murder to Manfredo Clitoro of Giussano, who agreed to do it, and associated with him Carino da Balsamo. At the same time Gia^opo della Chiusajmdertook to go to Pav<a . RipoU I. 192-3, rooTsOS.ToS-U, 331.-Berger, Registres d' Innoc. IV. No. 5065, 5345.-Mag. Bull. Rom. I. 91. t Campana, Vita di San Piero-Martire, pp. 100-1.