Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/244

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228 "^^^^ however there was a sudden revulsion of fortune. The Glxibel- hrciLf s of Lonxbardy, Uherto PaUavicino and «-- ch Dov-^<;, lords of Cremona, had been in alhance with hnn; J^^ ^^^^ 'u J;; in the capture of Brescia, with the understanding that they Tveie to sbare in its possession, but he had monopolized the conquest, ItZ -re rLlved on revenge June ^^^I'^l^J^^^ treaty against Ezzelin with the Milanese and with Azzo d Este, the head of the Lombard Guelfs. EzzeUn took the field with a heavy fore , hoping to gain possession of Milan through the intd- hgTuces which he had within the walls, but on ^-■;^^;f^^ atUcked by Uberto, Buoso, and Azzo, who by «kd «J sj^^^^ dispersed his troops and captured him, grievously wounded H s s Xepride would not brook this degradation : he tore the band- ages ^om his wound, refused all aid and died - a fe^Ways^ No greater service could have been rendered to the Church than thft performed by TJberto, who had been -/^1^-^ coun- cil the soul of the alliance that destroyed the dreaded Ezzelm and tbr w open, after thirty years of fruitless effort, the Mai-ch of Treviso to th; Inquisition. Some show of favor in return for such services would not have been amiss ; would perhaps indeed, have been wise, as it might have won over the powerful Ghibe - line chief In the treaty of June 11, however, the allies had al- luded to Manfred as King of Sicily, and had pledged themselves lo abor for his reconcihation with the pope. No service, espe- cklly after it had become irrevocable, could overbalance this rec- oSon of the hated son of Frederic. Uberto, Buoso, and the Cremonese had been absolved from excommunication when they entered the alhance, but Alexander IV. wrote, December 13, 12o9, . Raynald. ann. 1257, Ko. 38-9; 1258, No. 1-4; 1259 ^'^- ^-^-J^^^ Chron Lib ix.-xn. (Muratori, S. R. I. VIII. 299-352).-Monacl. Patavm. Chron. S^ VIII 691-705).-Nic. Smeregi Cbron. (lb. VIII. 101).-Waddmg, ann. 1258, M^T^CZvi^r^Lity^ his family. He was gagged and tied to a ree, h. ITdrnffhters were burned alive before his eyes, bis sons were slam and IltrtlSriJbis face, and tben be - deli W.y baciced jn^^^^^^^^ Laurentii de Monacis Bzerinus III. (Mnraton, S. R. I. VIII. loO). Al .enco a man of culture, a troubadour, and a patron of the ga^ ...«« (Vaissette, fid. Privat, X. 313).