Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/250

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ITALY. 234 magnola were intrusted to the Franciscans but as stated above ^^Tl P 477), tlieir extortions were so unendurable that, m 1302, Boniface VIII. transferred these districts to the Dommicans, with- out thereby relieving the people.* .^ „ , ,. . ■ ti,p tprri No time had been lost in enforcing unity of beief in the te r tories redeemed from Ghibelline control. As early as Februarv^ 1259 the Franciscan Minister of Bologna was ordered to appoint tfo f iis as inquisitors in Romagnola. At Vicenza, no sooner was qute" restored after the death of Ezzelin th.n Fra G.ovanru IchioTas sent thither to remove the excommunication incurred by the people in consequence of their subjection to Ezzelin. The ceremony was symbol' of the scourging inflicted on penitents. Th podesta and council assembled at the usual V^lf^'^ whence they marched in pairs to the cathedral. At the south Irtrstood Giovanni with seven priests, and as the magis rates T^jZy touched each one hghtly ^^^^^f^^'^ rites of absolution were solemnly performed. The «^^f ^^ " ^'^^' Bortlmio on his return from England had tarried with bt. Louis, whosf cILsor he had been in Palestine, where he had -.d as r^nnal legate during the saintly king's crusade. As soon as he heard of the death of Ezzelin he hastened homeward, bearing vlth hhn the priceless treasures of a thorn of the crown and a .nf the cross which St. Louis had bestowed upon him in part- r; it oLeTe ollenced to build the great Dominican church rSe, heresy, and discord. ^^^^^ 7^<^^ ?L:mifkt:::ia:rrhi^^^^ eTieremia, KiiuvML civs ti^o ViPrpfio bishop, Viviano ^oKA iSTn 7 8 11 16- 1261,No.2.-Grandjean,Ilegistresde

  • Wadding, ann. 1254, ^o. 7, », n, i" , ^*" '

Betioit XT. No. 1167.-RipoU 11. 87,