Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/254

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238 ^^^^^ inspired by Satan to indignation winch --V^^^^^^'^ ^^^^^ the Dominican convent, destroying the records «^ ^iie M^'f °^^^ and maltreating the friars so that one of them died .vithin a tew days The Dominicans thereupon abandoned the ungrateful c.ty tichin.. out in solemn procession. The magistrates showed ™wlr1ndifference as to punishing this misdeed, and .-hen sum- ^i by the Cardinal Legate of Ostia, the [ep— j^ ^J^ presented themselves lacked the necessary authority, so that, atter V ilnly waiting for satisfaction, he laid an interdict upon the city tI:" wis not removed tiU 1282, and even then the gudtywer^^^^^^^^ Bunished In 1285 we find Honorius IV. taking up the matter Ssh and summoning the Parmesans to send delegates to linn w t Si ™th to recede sentence ; what that sentence -soloes lot appear, but in 1287 the humbled f *-- Pf ^^'^"^^^ J'.^, n^inicils t; return, received them with S^-t hon°r, and o^^^ them one thousand lire, in annual instalments of t^^ o hun ed lie .vherewith to build a church. So stubborn was «leopp^^^^^^^^^^ where to the Inquisition and its ways, that in 12.7 ^e PK>vmc a Council of Milan still deemed it necessary to d-r^^ tha any^^^^^^ her of a municipal government in any city w.thm the province who shouW urge ine.^ures favoring heretics should be deemed sus

^t of hUr and should forfeit any fiefs or benefices held of

'"'"■! Patrimony of St. Peter resistance was not wholly at an end In 1254, when the papacy was triumphant. Innocent V "ged the inquisiU of Orvieto and Anagni to take advantage of the propitious time and act with the utmost vigor. In 12o8 Alexander^, sounded the alarm that 1-esy was increasmg^^^^^^^^ in Rome itself, and he pressingly urged increased activity on t^e nauisitors and greater zeal in their support by the bishops. Their X^Z: no! wholly successful. T-nty years M^^^^^^^^ named Pandolf o stiU made his stronghold of ^f^^^'^^^Z Anagni, a receptacle of heretics. Pra Smibaldo di Lago, the - Me.or. Protest.. Helens, ann. ^^^^^^-^'^^t n50).-Ber„. Corio, Hist. ^r^^^^-'l'Z^^ZJe Chi-on. pp. m, .76, "N-o 13 — Pej^nse Append, ad ±.ymenc. p. oo ^ , . tv nao 7QQ ftoq- sso. io. iTcg I'f (Muratori, IX. 792, 79«, »oy 342 — Chron. Parmens. ann. 1279, 1^«^^. i^o^, ^^^' ioq7 « xi 6^^. V.U1U11. 0. on_-noncil Mediolanens. ann. 1287, c. XI. ll)__Sarpi, D scorso (Opere, IV. 21).-'-oncn. m«u