Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/398

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GERMANY. proHHtea, and no one was ^^^^^^^:^:S'!:'::r:ftt promise obedience to *« .«^P^^'T .'^^..te per diem, though Ly his own expenses, ^^^^Ifj^^tZ^rl through which the hospitahty --^^^fL^^ZftXe extent of lodging and God. They chanted rude hymns— " NU tretent herzu die bussen wellen. Fliehen wir die heissen hellen. Lucifer ist ein bose geselle," etc.- , ,. w»= «t citated times, the men stripping to the and scourged themselves at «tatea t , ^^ ^^^^^^ waist and using a scourge l^^^"*^™ ^^ad seen two jerks requi- laid on that an eye-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ They t^t that site to ^^^^-^^^^^^J^Tthirij-t^ree days and a half, washed rmTe^ran tTnt of sin, a/d rendered the pemtent pure as at birth. processions of Flagellants met From Poland to the ^l"»^^;^^ J ,^eh as Erfurt, where with little oVVO^^^^on^t^^^^ee, and in the province of the magistrates prohibited their e ' ^^ ^hem. They Magdeburg, -^^^2:^':^lZ::^^ when they invaded spread through Holland an , penetrated no France, Philippe de ^jf ^ -;,tnT^^^ farther than Troyes. The guardia P ^^^^^nstration, which not look without dread upon b>i^^^^P^^^^^^^^^^ ^^,, the Flagellants ,y organization might become dang^rou. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^,^^ of Strassburg P^^^^. ;^;™ ^! ™^ forbade it. Already dan- IV., who was m that city, peremp y ^^.^^^ering bands; m gerous characters -^J^^/ft^^e merciless persecu^ many places their zeal tad led « ^^ ^ significant an- Jews, and ^here were -t l^^m^^ .^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^,,1,,, tagonism to the Church, mamtest.n ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ astics and clerical F-'Pf f . J^^^f Jher prescription, and her upon a religious ™- J^^^^/^y the daify reading, amid the susceptibihties were i^»* ^«'^^^f , ^^ „„„^1 to the Church of St. flagellation, of a letter brought by an angel