Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/400

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gg^ GERMAN!- the papal duii u ^^^ ^ contempt „.., dl«.;plm, on .he ™°'^"'„*;jf'*'ct„,:.«>, « «IT.ind nme UD for discussion at the (^ouncu oi v^u , si^ :rJrr,r. ;:Lo. ;«-,--- j^^ the Church, and was the f™itful parent of heresy^ J ro, of his allusions, indeed, we may gather ^^^^^^^^f ^^^^ the collisions between the people and the priesthood, in latter were apt to be -^SJl^y^f^/itt element's prohibition, and TVik «^hows how ineincient naa oeeii vvici i how obsJnalely the pra^tic^had^-inta^ itself until it had t Von der Hardt. T. III. PP- 95-105.