Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/408

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392 GERMANY. iudiciouslv suggests that as these l^ou-swer benevolent g. for pious uses the bishops could assert them o be unto the r ^uri diction and not subject to an imperial edict ^/^«bles aM ciU

ens, moreover, had been trained to regard th -A--- ^

mates with favor, and were not eager to share in the spoils^ Wh e er may ha;e been their stives, Kerhngercould^^^^^^^^ found the waV open to the general confiscation ^^^ '^^/^^;;; In 1371 he was obliged to petition Gregory XL, re°i^"^g ^^ "^^ Sence of heretics caUed Beghards and Beguines, and the imperial edict confiscating their conventicles, the confirmation of which ^"'^Th». after a desultory struggle lasting for nearly a century lean hands, and we raieiy iitjdi kj ^ Tn 1^7^ Kerlin- . ' T1.P D-nod work proceeded apace, in 1^<^ i^eiim Franciscans, ine gooa oiiv t^iu i ,1 1 ^'^ r.^ h(rhf^r rank than usual to deal ^ n in m^^ ger had a he^t «^ b^g^er -n^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ person of Albert, J^^snop o predestination such as fatalistic doctrines-possib y om. f o m «* P .^ ^ , Wickhff --.----^^f;;^ :;^^^^^^^^^^ th' root of the invocation decrease in pious works, tor it strucK a of saints, masses for the dead, and liberality ^^/^^f^^-J; ^j 1 cons;quences threatened to be - ^^;^;; JXl and ordered Kerlinger, ^^^ ^::^;^:;::^^ abpra- an Augustinian -™f .^^^^clto transmit him to the papal '""Xt Tudrenf n tfe sTl year Gregory recounts with Zl Sisfacrnte success oUheJnquisitors in driving the Beg- •Mosbein. de BegUardis';.pr364-66.-Mar«ni Append, ad MosUei. pp. 541-2.