Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/410

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GERMAKl. 394 „™gni»Ki «> no long» b»»!- SUB it ^'««'/.^" ^'i nT keeping concubines.* . . , 4^ -^i.. nrD-anized and had set- •f^^r. Aci the heretic Beghards and J3eguines v«ie ^ '?Ctwt, rf i s aSy, and the orthodox ones of its cupd.ty cipal objects of its actm^J^^ ^^^ compassion which the sufferings of the latter sP'r^^'y Gregory XL could not found expressionintermsso decided that Gregory ^^ ^^^ refuse to Usten. Accordingly, ^^^/P^ ^' "J^^^i.i these corn- Archbishops of Mainz, ^-ves, and Cologne recitig^^^^^^^^ ^^ plaints and ordering a -jf^^^^^^f;^^^^^^^^^^ and cherished if the persons concerned, who should be p ^^^ i— ' and je Punij.;^^^^^^^^^^^ that the Worms, probably fro.n the oinei p , . -.^f^l Catholics. In persecuted coniinunities we. co^^^^^^^^^^ Cologne '^^f:l^^Z^:r^^,itor was vexing the poor folk, to the pope that a Dominican inq and theyasked that hispr^^^^^^^^^^^ "^"":i3utrre most Wlful theologians could scarce an- tions ««/^ffi'^^; ,itX' Jifving lives had led the clergy to pro- swer them, ^Me their ed ty mg 5,^^^ Proceedings

  • "' tu" c^Sd bu still he peculiar garments which the dev-

Tstd t: -orn furnished an e-e f c. — ^^^ tion, and another appe^ ^^ ^t^ SfpSt^s not to permit sponded in December 1377, by ordering v ^^^^^ their molestation on this account «« 1<>J ^^ ^^^ tL German hesand obedient l^^l^f^'^^^t^Ztorestr^^^^^^ .:;ro^^te^l^S^^^ bishop Lambe. TT ofif. 1 Chron Cornel. Zantfliet (Martene Ampl. Coll. . Martene Thesaur. ^;^»»»-!--^^;,;' 33 _Meyeri Annal. Flandria. ann. Y. 29S. 301-2).-Raynald an. 3 ^,^- ff^^ ^^^^ Hirsaug. ann. 1374.- 137S.-Mag. Chron. Belgic. ann. 1374^ 1 ^ ^j^ ., g^^_g). P. de Herentals Vit. Gregor. XI. ann. 1376 (Muraton