Page:A history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, volume 2.djvu/422

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GERMANY. 40o lenciennes, and the name was adopted merely to cover it* •+1. +>.P -nroscribed Brethren ot the Free bpirit. its aoc r •;esteret.=:Sy the same in their myst.c pantheism a iuminism • and their practical application is seen m the story haronTn; occasion Gdes was moved by the spirit to go naked or some mL when carrying provision to a poor Pe-- So ope«  a manifestation would have insured his prosecution had there irany machinery for persecution in efficient condition m Bra- bant but he was aLwecUo propagate his doctrines m peace unt 1 hdi'ed He was succeeded in the leadership of ^^^^l^^^^^^ meUte known as William of Hilderniss, and at length it attracted, Tun thlattention of Cardinal Peter d'AiUy, Bishop of Cam- K fortunately for WiUiam, the bishop chose to direct the Toceed^gs M-if and they show complete disregard of inqms. EmSods. H; appointed ^ff^^^^^,;^ an inquisition ; both the names and the testimony of the ^^ i nesses we eTb«iitted to WiUiam, who made what defence he could In rnderi judgment d'Ailly called in the Dominican Prior of St s:i;n,^vUvas -^-^:j^^^^^t:^. pige himself with six compurgators, after .^ich he was to un^ d rfo the penance of three years' confinement m a castle of he Sob's while if he failed in his purgation he was to be im- SsoLd n a convent of his order during the archbishop's pleas- Tre a mo"t curious and illogical medley. He succeeded m find- •n'The retuil number of compurgators, but though he

i!;i fZ the scene his sect was by - -ans ^xting^^^^^^^^ and

we hear of the persecution of a heresiarch as late as U2^b. Tlat Clement VI. did not err when he foresaw the dangerous errors luSng under the devotion of the Flagellants was demon- lated in l/u. The sect still existed, and its crude t^ieories as o The efflcacv of flagellation had gradually been developed into l^tntiterdotal heresy of the most "--P-^fsitwho A certain Conrad Schmidt was the constructive ^e™^'^ J°^ gave to its behef an organized completeness, and his death made . Baluz. et Mansi I^^^sI^sZIito^J^V^^ Pays-Bas, I. 84. I